TOP 4 things that do not correspond to the laws of physics

  • Dec 14, 2020
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It has long been known that everything in nature works according to physical laws, and these laws are applicable to everything. But some people still managed to come up with something that breaks the generally accepted stereotypes. At first glance, these inventions seem to violate the laws of physics.

N 4. Dip your hand into molten lead

Everyone knows that the melting point of any metal reaches several hundred degrees. Even lead melts at 327.5 degrees Celsius, and dipping your hand into this molten metal is unthinkable. But there is a little trick. If, before immersing your hand in molten lead, lower your palm into a container of water, then you can quickly stick and stick out your hand into a container with lead, while not receiving any harm (the so-called Effect Leidenfrost).

It's better not to repeat this trick :)
It's better not to repeat this trick :)

The secret lies in the fact that after a container of water, a certain amount of liquid remains on the hand, and when dipping a hand into lead, this liquid instantly evaporates, thus forming a vapor gasket. It is this gasket that prevents the molten metal from affecting the skin of the hand.

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But keeping a wet hand in molten lead for more than one second is extremely dangerous.

N 3. Rifle for shooting from around the corner

The resource of such a rifle did not exceed 200 shots.

During the Great Patriotic War, German engineers developed a special device that was worn at the end of the barrel. This device was a continuation of the trunk, but it was bent to one side.

This device was used in street battles when it was required to fire from around a corner without any damage to the shooter. Many experts believe that this is impossible, since the bullet has a very high muzzle velocity, and it is almost impossible to quickly change the trajectory of its flight. German engineers managed to solve many problems, and still create such a device with which it was possible to shoot from around the corner.

The main problem was turbulent gases, which prevented the bullet from quickly changing its flight path. German specialists were able to divert these gases at the time of firing and create a device that made it possible to safely fire from cover. This device was not accepted for service because its resource did not exceed 200 rounds.

And this is a modern version - the Israeli Cornershop rifle for shooting from around the corner

N2. Square Wheels Machine

Engineers have long tried to put the vehicle on wheels of an unusual shape. Even triangular wheels were used, but the car could not move on them. A group of scientists still managed to put the car on square wheels, but one trick was used. The wheels were in contact with the road surface not with their entire plane - at the same time, but with a skew of 22.5 degrees.

This made it possible to minimize vibration while driving, and when the car picked up speed, this vibration practically disappeared. This idea did not find distribution because a car with square wheels could only move on a smooth surface. Even a small climb up the hill was an insurmountable task for such a car.

N1. Fantastic Drive (Warp Drive)

This engine is also called the warp engine, and it was developed specifically for spacecraft. This motor has nothing to do with motors of different types, since it works on a completely different principle. With the help of the warp drive, space and time are compressed - in front of the spaceship, and on the contrary, they expand behind the ship.

It may look like a ship with a warp drive according to NASA

This effect allows a spacecraft to cover huge distances in a short period of time, and literally in a matter of seconds move from one point of the Universe to another. The use of a warp drive makes it possible for a person to travel between galaxies, which is impossible with a conventional drive. Modern cosmic speeds are so low that a person simply does not have enough time to fly to the nearest planet where there is life.

The warp drive opens up new horizons in space, and today hard work is underway to improve the first prototypes.