Place in the car, behind which needs regular maintenance grease

  • Dec 24, 2019
"Grease is immediately": the place in the car, behind which needs regular maintenance lubrication.
"Grease is immediately": the place in the car, behind which needs regular maintenance lubrication.

Every driver knows how important it is for the engine motor oil. However, not everyone is fully aware of the fact that in the car there are many other places that need to be lubricated without fail. Today we will focus on the first five numbers of the critically important.

General tips: Before you take up the lubricant of a particular element, you must make sure that he does not need to use a special lubricant. Prior to deliver "crisp composition" on the elements and mechanisms need to pre-clean them from dust, dirt and water. It is also strongly recommended to lubricate several different materials in a single cell or in one mechanism.

1. Suspension

Perfect solution. / Photo:
Perfect solution. / Photo:

For some drivers it can be a discovery, but the car's suspension also requires regular lubrication. In such cases, use only silicone grease. It will help avoid the occurrence of noise in the ramp-up time of the machine, as well as sudden braking.

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Note: Should also be immediately greased ball bearings, silent blocks and anthers at constant velocity joints.

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2. brakes

Grease pads is very important. / Photo:
Grease pads is very important. / Photo:

Well lubricated must be and brakes the car. The appearance of the otherworldly noise - the first and colorful sign that the car had problems. First of all in this situation, it is necessary to check the brake system. Creaking and whistling point directly to lack of lubrication in this mechanism.

ImportantLubricate the brake pads should be replaced each time. By the way, about the problems with the pads may also indicate the emergence of a squeak.

3. Locks and coating

Lubricate locks. / Photo:
Lubricate locks. / Photo:

Movable plastic and rubber parts, as well as numerous castles (the doors and trunk) must be lubricated regularly. The best thing to do to use WD-40. Also, regular maintenance is required timing belts. For the latter is better to use specially designed lubricants, which are sold in car shops.

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