How to connect the sockets: in series or in parallel? Correcting prejudices!

  • Dec 14, 2020

How to properly install power lines (sockets)? The question is responsible and important, requiring the consideration of some individual points, because some masters do parallel wiring, and others do serial, using the so-called method "Loops".

Concepts of serial and parallel connection of consumers

A few lines of the theoretical part, since for many users serial and parallel connection is a dense forest. Let's consider the connection options using the example of wiring in a standard apartment.

  • Parallel connection. From the electrical control room, 3 wires are laid to the junction box, where they are connected by means of terminals to 3-4 groups of the same wires. Each group goes to a separate outlet. If the conductors of one outlet burn out, all the others will work properly.
Figure 1: Parallel connection of sockets
Figure 1: Parallel connection of sockets
  • Serial connection. The phase wire from the switchboard is laid to the first consumer, from which it goes out and is supplied to the second, third, etc. If the conductor that goes to the first consumer burns out, the voltage will disappear at all the rest.
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The most relevant application for serial connection is the Christmas tree garland. In apartments, this option is rarely used.

Loop connection

Often, modern electricians offer customers to connect sockets "in series", laying a wire from one product to another, arguing this method with a lower cable consumption.

Important! This method of laying cannot be called "sequential", it is technically incorrect. When consumers are connected in series, the current is divided evenly between them.
Figure 2: Daisy-chain connection directly to the outlet itself

Laying electrical wiring from one outlet to the next is called the "loopback" method and has nothing to do with a serial connection. The advantage of "loops" is really undeniable, it is less cable consumption, because from the junction box there is no need to throw the wiring to each outlet separately.

As with parallel connection, the "loops" have one significant drawback - in case of breakage or burnout of the main wire, which is laid from the switchboard, all consumers will be left without voltage.

Which is the best way?

The “loopback” method is not very convenient only because any consumer in the chain depends on the previous one. For example, if a wire break occurs at the second outlet, then the third and fourth will also remain without voltage. But at the same time, one cannot fail to highlight the savings in the conductor during the initial installation of electrical wiring.

Figure 3: Combined socket connection

In addition, it is very convenient to draw lines with a "train" when it is necessary to minimize the number of strobes in the walls. And they do this when installing wiring on the floor or ceiling, in a special corrugated pipe. Then it remains to carry out only the main grooves to and between the sockets.

Conclusion: laying the electrical wiring "loop" is convenient and economical, does not take much time during the installation process, has a long operational life and very minor flaws that can be left without attention.