Magnetic engine: myth or reality?

  • Dec 14, 2020

In the last century, large-scale electrification was the main goal, and today almost everyone wears pocket a laptop that previously would have required a building of several floors height. But nevertheless, the idea of ​​creating a fuel-free engine with high efficiency remains relevant to this day. Is it possible to make a magnetic motor? What are its design features? Are there experimental models? You will find answers to all these questions later in the article.

What is a magnetic motor?

What is a perpetual motion machine? In fact, this is a mechanism whose efficiency is 100%. Unfortunately, in practice it looks somewhat different, because too many physical phenomena interfere with the work, such as friction force, etc. Over time, the components of any mechanism wear out and fail, respectively, require replacement.

Figure 1: One of the options for implementing a magnetic motor
Figure 1: One of the options for implementing a magnetic motor

The magnetic motor is no exception, it has an interesting, technically sound design.. Permanent (non-electrical) magnets and movable metal surfaces provide movement here. It turns out that the magnetic motor only needs to set the rotation, and, if necessary, provide a stop.

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Design features

What elements does a magnetic motor consist of:

  1. Stator, made as one permanent magnet on a spring basis.
  2. Rotor. A disc, necessarily made of a material that is not subject to magnetization. On the surface of the discs there are small permanent magnets of certain sizes. All magnets on the disc must be placed in a specific shape and sequence.
  3. Ballast. In a magnetic motor, this is a separate element, it ensures the acceleration of the rotor and its constant rotation during operation.
Figure 2: Magnetic motor (computer model)

This is an example of the simplest design of a magnetic motor. Masters like Nikola Tesla or Vasily Shkondin created much more sophisticated models, and many of the designers in this field of electrical engineering even received patents for their products.

Myth or is it reality?

The magnetic motor is reality. Designers Igor Svitnitsky and Howard Johnson proved this by creating motors that worked due to constant magnetic flux. But, unfortunately, they could not solve the main problem - to increase the efficiency to the required 100%.

Figure 3: Another example of a magnetic motor

Therefore, magnetic motors exist, and the theory of their mass production is quite real. But the interpretation of a magnetic motor as a perpetual motion machine with perfect efficiency is a fiction that does not deserve attention. Perpetual motion machines do not exist, this has been proven, but still it does not prevent the birth of "designers" who want to challenge this fact.

Is it possible to make a magnetic motor with your own hands?

Quite possible. As an example, we can take the well-known magnetic motor of Vasily Shkondin, which is used in bicycle and motorcycle production to this day..

Of course, making such a motor will require a special tool and the involvement of narrow-profile specialists - turners, rewinder, etc. But the task is quite doable.

P.S. You can find more ideas for the implementation of magnetic motors in our video: