"ER" for cucumbers: prevention and treatment of diseases

  • Dec 24, 2019

Cucumbers - moisture-loving culture, and in a humid environment activated by pathogenic microbes, infecting these plants. Failure to comply with the cultivation conditions can also cause disease. Ambulance for cucumber is the timely detection of problems and applying preventive measures that will increase the timing of fruiting.

Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © delniesoveti.ru
Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © delniesoveti.ru

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The reasons for the yellowing of leaves

When the temperature drops slows down the growth of the cucumber shoots, they turn yellow leaves, stops fruiting. In August, the cucumber is recommended to cover the plantation at night. Yellowing of leaves may be due to potassium deficiency. Remedy the situation will sprinkle wood ash extract. It is taken in the amount of 3 tbsp. l., 1 liter of boiled water for a week and filtered.

The same effect will root feeding on the basis of onion peel. It is taken in an amount of 100 g (5 this art. l.), fill a bucket of hot water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. You must use as soon as the cool, consuming 1 liter per well.

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Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © delniesoveti.ru
Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © delniesoveti.ru

The fight against infectious diseases and fungal

White or reddish spots indicate that the bush struck mildew. Developing, the fungus kills the plant completely. The reasons for its development could be an excess of nitrogen and irregular watering.

To avoid the appearance of this disease, it is necessary to maintain crop rotation, planting vegetables on a place only after 3-4 years. Plots before planting should be treated with fungicides. At the first signs of the disease as to prevent its further development of drugs used Topaz, Hom, colloidal sulfur.

From folk remedies used mullein infusion. Its infused for days in ratio of 1 kg to 3 liters of water, filtered, brought to the working solution by adding 3 liters of water and sprayed vines.

1 can be sprayed once a week with a solution of 1 liter of yogurt or yogurt in 1 liter of warm water or a solution of 50 g of sodium bicarbonate and the same amount of non-aggressive detergent to 10 L of water.

With the defeat of botrytis first appear on the leaves brown spots, with gray bloom covered with sweat. To prevent bacteria it is necessary to comply with crop rotation and disinfect the soil before seeding. Planting should not be thickened. In an emergency, use drugs or Roval Bayletonom. Infected plants are partially or completely removed.

The defeat of the root rot evident in the wilting and desiccation of foliage. The reason may be a change in temperature or excessive watering. For the prevention of 1 every 2 weeks are sprayed Previkurom.
Sprinkle cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © delniesoveti.ru
Sprinkle cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © delniesoveti.ru

You can stimulate the formation of new adventitious roots. To do this, cut a few leaves from the beginning of the shoot, put it on the ground and covered with fresh nutrient soil. Water the plant only the settled warm water, being careful not to blur the roots.

General tips

The most effective chemical agents for the prevention of infectious diseases of plants are preparations:

  • Acrobat MC;
  • Infiniti;
  • Ranman;
  • Armetil M 72;
  • Ridomil MC;
  • Dove;
  • Miedziana;
  • Copper oxychloride.

From folk methods can be used horsetail infusion, which is prepared within one day of 300 g of Fresh raw material or 100 g of dried 3 liter of water, then brought to reflux and cooled to room temperature. Sprayed with this lineup 1 times a week.

It is possible to prepare a spray solution yeast, dissolved in 5 l of water 30 g dried yeast, allowing them to ferment.

If the disease is not able to warn the affected plants are dug along the ground and burned, and disinfect the soil to the plantation.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: When and how to produce pasynkovanie cucumbers?