7 simple steps to create an interior "like a cover" even in Khrushchev's panel

  • Dec 15, 2020

Repeating the tricks from the pictures in design magazines, many often face a problem - something goes wrong. The problem lies in the lack of living light and air. Especially when it comes to gray "panels" with standard window openings.

Designer Dina Salakhova has developed 7 simple steps to help you achieve the desired effect in your apartment.

1. Don't curtain the windows

Even a light tulle retains some of the light that could be distributed throughout the apartment. Therefore, take a closer look at roller blinds. When required, they can completely block the windows, and during the day, on the contrary, they will not interfere with the penetration of natural light, sun and air.

Curtains are best used to frame windows. And you can even leave the openings completely free. This solution is used in many foreign interiors.

2. Free the windowsills

Window sills are often used as additional storage places for all sorts of things. However, in dark apartments, this decision should be abandoned.

If you don't have enough light, unlock the windows, remove vases, books, decor and other items from the windowsills.
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3. Let the light into the apartment

In order for the light to penetrate deep into your apartment, you need to pave the way for it. Pay attention to the doors - unnecessary, for example, between the kitchen and the hallway, it is better to remove it, and make the openings wider.

Another option is to use doors with transoms or glass inserts.
A good solution would be to remove some of the walls and combine, for example, the kitchen with the living room.

4. Zone but don't block

When zoning, it is better to use permeable partitions so that there is also live light and air in the part of the room without windows or with weak natural light.

Consider transparent partitions or open shelving if the boundaries between areas are easy enough to define.
If, for example, the partition is designed to hide the sleeping area, then it can be equipped with a high dense curtain.

5. Use mirrors

With the correct placement of reflective objects, even the darkest room can be filled with light and air.

Mirrors, glossy surfaces, glass - all this will help you diffuse live light throughout the apartment.

6. Do not "darken" indoors

If the apartment is already too dark, do not exacerbate the situation with a dark finish. When decorating walls and floors in light warm shades, you will be able to visually make the room both more spacious and airy.

Do not clutter compact rooms with furniture. It will take both square meters and light.

7. Add artificial lighting

Those corners to which it is impossible to deliver natural light must be artificially illuminated. Use floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. This will add coziness to the room, completely depriving it of dark spots.

You can use lamps that are closest to the spectrum of radiation to daylight.

Material prepared by: Dina Salakhova, Igor Barantsev.

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