Autumn pruning of apple trees is a guarantee of a generous harvest next year. How to carry out and what result to expect

  • Dec 15, 2020
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In addition to regular feeding and watering, any apple trees in the garden must be pruned 1-2 times a year. It is pleasant to prune young plants only in spring. For adult trees, pruning is also shown in the autumn.

What is pruning

Depending on the condition of your apple tree, in the fall it is worth carrying out either sanitary, or formative, or anti-aging pruning.

The first is carried out to improve the crown - dry, diseased, damaged branches are removed.

The second goal is to form the type of crown that is optimal for your apple variety, which will contribute to better fruiting. At a minimum, this is the cutting of tops and the annual growth by half.

The third pruning involves, together with sanitary, also thinning the crown of an aging tree, cutting off intertwined, hanging and closely spaced branches, as well as cutting down the central conductor.

It is important that for an old tree all these procedures cannot be carried out in one step! In the first fall, do sanitary pruning, in the second, form, and only in the third, shorten the guide.

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When to prune an apple tree

There is no exact answer to this question. By the time of the procedure, leaf fall and sap flow should end, and the trees should be watered, fed and mulched for the cold season. In this case, do not wait for the moment when stable daily negative temperatures are established or regular prolonged rains begin. In the average version for the middle band, this is usually the end of October.

How to prune an apple tree in autumn

Choose sharpened and decontaminated tools: loppers and secateurs for small branches, a hacksaw for large ones.

Prepare a solution for disinfecting cuts and cuts - it can be a 3% solution of copper sulfate.

For the final closure (closure) of wounds, purchase a garden varnish or its equivalent.

Make the cuts in clear, short movements, being careful not to grind and unduly injure the wood. For old trees, the fall pruning procedure also includes removing moss and lichens from the trunk.

What result to expect

If pruning is done correctly and on time, you will receive:

  • healing the tree,
  • optimal crown shape and direction of growth, conducive to fruiting,
  • improving the quality and increasing the number of fruits.

Read also on my website -What to do if the apples are rotting right on the tree. Causes and consequences

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