Why does the plumber put bread in the pipe? Revealing the secret of how to stop water with bread crumb

  • Dec 16, 2020

Another application for the installation of water meters in the hostel. It is full of cockroaches, people with marginal thinking, alcoholics and parasites. Plumbing's legs and arms feed, so you can't disdain and you have to take on any work, anywhere, almost.

Let's get started

The owner of the room gave me the meters and fittings to install. On my question: -"Where are the mud filters?"

- "I was told that without them the water meters can work"- The girl answered, saving on material.

-"Well, my business is to deliver, I am not responsible for the performance of metering devices." The young lady nodded in response.

Before cutting the pipes, I always check that the valves are fully closed so that not a single drop leaks out. Because water is the worst enemy of the welding joint when sealed with a hot "iron".

A drop of water falling on the hot nozzle instantly turns into steam and, due to the expansion of the air, pushes the soldering iron out of the fitting or pipe. Thus, cooling the joint, which leads to no penetration. The joint is of poor quality.
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This time, as usual, he closed the taps, checked their tightness, cut off the pipes to the installation size of the meters. And I wanted to start welding polypropylene. But something went wrong. Water leaked from the valve. Drop by drop. I tried to pull them up, it's useless.

I called the foreman and asked to send a locksmith partner, but there were no free people. As always, an emergency, there are no people.

Well, you have to take advantage of the cunning that was taught long ago. Namely bread in the pipe!

I asked the landlady for a crust of black bread, but it was not there. I had to use cheap white bread, which crumbles in my hands. We work with what we have. Initially, we make a trial version. We timed the appearance of the first drop after the bread roll stuck into the tube. Scrolling through the gallery.

It worked out for me, before the beginning of squeezing out the bread plug and the appearance of the first drop, 20 seconds. Enough to weld a 20mm diameter fitting.

We roll up a new bread "chopik", put it in the pipe and weld the connection without extra drops of water.

It remains only to flush the pipe from the bread. To the delight of the mustachioed, prehistoric inhabitants of the sanitary unit, the food has arrived!

As a result, it was possible to weld a pipe with a fitting with a high quality, without resorting to outside help and without being distracted by running around the basement. Hallelujah! FROMthe piece of that person who thought of putting a crust of bread into the pipe, thereby using simple physical phenomena, for the good of society.

Individual gratitude from the author to those readers who shared the secret of the plumber with their friends and showed it on social networks.