How much grease to put in the grinder gearbox? Disassemble the grinder and show

  • Dec 16, 2020

Hello, dear friend. Now I will disassemble the grinder and in practice I will show how much lubricant should be put into the rotation transmission mechanism. First, I will remove the gear cover of a new tool, a WOSAI battery grinder. Let's see how many manufacturers have applied lubricating paste. And then I will disassemble 125 angle grinders, with INTERSKOL speed control.

Chinese Bulgarian

I bought it at the Aliexpress site, it is completely zero new, let's take a look what's inside. How much lubricant the manufacturer puts in. We unscrew the four screws.

As you can see, the grease is smeared over the entire area of ​​the inner walls. But at the same time, there are cavities that are not filled. Let's take a closer look:

Did you really regret the lubrication? Then you need to disassemble the Russian-made angle grinder.

Bulgarian Russian, Interskol.

It has been working for me for a long time, I have not changed the lubricant in it, this tool did not overload. I myself wonder what is there. I remove the disc and protection, clean the screws and unscrew the four bolts:

instagram viewer

Let's take a closer look into the cavity:

If you look from a computer, then by clicking on the picture you will see a grease of a dark color. This is the part of the paste that was in work. A little deeper you see a light grease. She did not participate in the work.

You can look at the characteristics of this grinder on the website on the Yandex market.


How much lubricant should be put into the tool during maintenance?My conclusions.

  • Some manufacturers have an instruction manual (card). It clearly indicates the amount of grease in grams required for the gearbox. If there is such information, focus on it.
  • Having opened the grinder, visually focus on the amount of old grease. After removing it, add about the same amount.
  • The factory quantity of grease perfectly lubricates the parts. And with increased operation and overheating of the gearbox, the lubricant becomes fluid and leaves the cavities. Which gives an extra dose of fresh pasta. I didn't overheat mine, so it didn't leak out (light part) in the photo above.


If you completely fill the entire space inside the gearbox with grease, then expanding it will squeeze out the oil seal, if any. And the excess will constantly flow out. Oiled up the entire instrument.

Dorgiy friend, like this interesting article! Thank you.