I ordered honey and pollen from a unique mobile apiary based on ZIL 131. I show what came from Altai

  • Dec 16, 2020

Recently I came across videos from a mobile apiary, the hives are mounted on trailers, and the army ZIL 131 serves as a tractor.

Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/
Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/

In one of the social networks, I began to carefully study this method of extracting honey. It became interesting how so? We keep bees, all season in one place. They don't move anywhere. And if there are few melliferous plants for this year, then there is no honey either. In addition, stationary apiaries cannot choose from which flower to collect honey. And the output is only linden honey, if the grove is nearby. Buckwheat if the field is covered with buckwheat. Or forbs. Nectar collected from all flowers in a row. The choice is not great.

Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/
Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/

But in a mobile apiary, things are completely different:

The rolling stock is being prepared in early spring. For prevention, bees are treated against various parasites. They burn the hives and do many related things. When the primroses begin to bloom, they move to a certain place on this road train to collect the first spring honey.

instagram viewer

Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/

They move only at night, while the bee is resting and all family members are at home, watch a minute video and understand how difficult it is to get honey moving through the mountainous terrain:

Due to the fact that the apiary is always in motion, the bees always have places where to get nectar. And they also get a certain type of honey, from one melliferous field, for example, from a sweet clover or from a sainfoin flower. Due to the fact that honey is collected in ecologically clean places, I ordered honey from them far from civilization:

The gallery is scrolling.

My daughter checked out for the first time in her life, the taste of honey.
My daughter checked out for the first time in her life, the taste of honey.
My daughter checked out for the first time in her life, the taste of honey.
My daughter checked out for the first time in her life, the taste of honey.
My daughter checked out for the first time in her life, the taste of honey.

The honey is really tasty, each jar has its own taste, you can feel the aroma of honey without any foreign impurities. In the same package, pollen came to me, those same round things carried by bees to the hive, on their paws.

Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/

They are mined in an interesting way. A flap with small holes is placed at the entrance to the hive. A bee goes through a hole, and a ball of pollen falls into a special receiver:

Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/

I have never eaten pollen in honey. It tastes like eating a spruce cone, but at the same time you can feel the aroma of wild flowers. A specific product that has a good effect on immunity, especially for men. At least that's what they say. Let's check.

Photos and videos from users: https://www.instagram.com/altaipaseka.ru/

Dear readers, I decided to share with you information about this unique apiary. I believe that readers have the right to know about such mobile honey-producing families, about their hard work. The article is not advertising, I bought honey with pollen for my hard-earned money. No one promised fees. I believe that the inconspicuous feat of such people should be visible. Like the Paseka Klimovs, I am sure they deserve it.