Wood ash as a top dressing

  • Dec 24, 2019

Wood ash is used as a top dressing for the garden and vegetable crops. Natural material is obtained by the combustion of wood, and plant residues, and is therefore considered a low-cost affordable. Novice gardeners should know what the ash is made, and how to apply it to the garden plots.

The use of ash as a top dressing. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
The use of ash as a top dressing. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Why make wood ash?

The composition of wood ash containing mineral substances necessary for the full development of the plants. Calcium helps to rapidly increase green mass at the initial stage of growth and provide good nutrition. Due to potassium plant stems are strong, resistant to diseases and pests, increased fruiting, and the water balance is regulated. Magnesium provides energy production and the formation of carbohydrates, sodium improves the accumulation of water.

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When using ash vegetable plots loose soil becomes saturated useful elements, increased alkalinity humus. Acidic soil neutralized, plants grow well.

As used wood ash?

Despite the good properties, there are contraindications to the use of:

  • Charcoal is not added to the fresh manure or vegetable compost.
  • Do not feed up seedling to form the first leaves.
  • Do not use simultaneously with nitrogen fertilizers.
  • In soil with a pH greater than 7 is better not to use.

As fertilizer and fertilizing

To improve the structure of the sandy soil, the fertilizer is made in spring, the heavy soil is administered during autumn digging. For 1 m² ground area need to 300-500 g.

For foliar feeding 300 g of vegetable ash is poured 10 liters of water, heated, cooled, filtered through cheesecloth, then added 20 g of urea.

Standard usage pattern of ash:

  • Directly to the wells before planting seedlings - 1-2 art. l.
  • Spread on a bed 1 glass material, then good irrigation water.
  • Processing the liquid mixture - 1 cup substance on a bucket of water.

When planting fruit shrubs poured into the pit to 500 g of ashes, fruit trees - up to 1 kg.

Fertilizing ashes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Fertilizing ashes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

from pests

From pests wood powder is used as follows:

  • In the dry form is scattered on the surface of the beds between plants. This deters ants and beetles, borers.
  • In the fight against crucifer flea beetles, carrot and onion flies dusting helps young sprouts.
  • When processing liquid solution (1 cup water bucket ash) cabbage leaves disappear caterpillars.
  • From the Colorado potato beetle and wireworms before planting sprinkle dry ashes 1 kg of powder with 40 kg of roots.
  • From aphids helps ash infusion of these ingredients:
  • 12 l of water;
  • 0.5-1 bar of grated soap;
  • 0.5 cups charcoal;
  • 20 g of urea.
Fertilize wood ashes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Fertilize wood ashes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

from disease

Wood ash helps to combat fungal diseases on plants:

  • Gray mold on strawberries or strawberries treated by simple dusting dry powder (10-15 g per bush).
  • From mildew in gooseberries and currants helps aqueous sol infusion of 1 kg organics and 10 liters of water. The mixture was refluxed, cooled, settled, then added a little soap or shampoo for adhesion. Spraying the leaves, twigs spend night in calm weather. The procedure is repeated several times. This method is suitable for roses and young seedlings, diseased arachnoid mealy coating.
Phosphorus in the organic fertilizer tends to fall to the bottom of the container and form a precipitate, so evenly spray and enrichment plant nutrient mixture atomizer shaken.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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