Cozy kitchen (48 photos): how to create coziness in the house with your own hands, choose a kitchen corner, a corner sofa with a berth, instructions, photos, price and video tutorials

  • Dec 19, 2020
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  • 1 We create comfort
    • 1.1 Getting rid of unnecessary things
    • 1.2 Zoning the space
    • 1.3 We rest in comfort
    • 1.4 We decorate and decorate
  • 2 Summary

In our time of breakneck speeds, it is very important to have a warm pier at home, where you can relax with your loved ones and recharge with positive emotions. This role of the pier is well fulfilled by a practical and cozy kitchen, in which it is pleasant to cook and comfortable to relax.

The kitchen space should be comfortable for everyone

The kitchen space should be comfortable for everyone

We create comfort

Getting rid of unnecessary things

We are used to associating the idea of ​​comfort in a house with cleanliness and order. But this is not enough. The oversaturation of the kitchen space with all kinds of artifacts, which are not always combined with each other, often does not help to create, but destroys comfort, creates the impression of being cramped and cluttered.

It is good to go to the museum on an excursion, but living in the museum is not comfortable. When trying to create coziness in the kitchen, remember that one vase with a flower will attract the eye, and a dozen of these vases can create a depressing atmosphere.

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Look around, analyze the space from this point of view, and leave only those items that will fit the general style of the room.

Zoning the space

Kitchen corner - comfort, option "3 lux" with a frame - wenge, upholstery made of leatherette - "Sancho" / brown.

Kitchen corner - comfort, option "3 lux" with a frame - wenge, upholstery made of leatherette - "Sancho" / brown.

For the comfort of all family members, and first of all, for the convenience of the hostess, it is necessary to correctly arrange furniture and appliances in the kitchen space.

There are a few rules to follow here:

  1. the workplace for cooking should be at the top of the triangle, on both sides of which there should be a stove and refrigerator;
  2. a place for storing everyday products (for example, sugar, cereals or pasta) should also be close to the workplace;
  3. utensils that are often cooked in should be stored in drawers closer to the workplace, and those that are rarely used, for example, for holidays, can also be stored in distant drawers or pencil cases;
  4. salt, spices, seasonings, vegetable oil should be at hand at the hostess all the time, especially convenient if they are on a hanging shelf above the work table;
  5. the dining table should be located so that it is convenient for the hostess to get up during a meal and change dishes or pour tea;
  6. plasma panel, TV or video player should be located within comfortable visibility, both from the working area and from the dining area;

Council. Hang special shelves on the rails for the convenience of the hostess. Such as a shelf for disposable towels and napkins, as well as books and recipes.

The necessary instructions for using frequently used household appliances will always be at hand, and there is no need will look for it in the drawers in order to see in which mode it is desirable to cook in the multicooker roast.

We rest in comfort

"COMFORT 2 LUX" is an inexpensive model of a corner sofa with a table for a compact kitchen.

"COMFORT 2 LUX" is an inexpensive model of a corner sofa with a table for a compact kitchen.

The family spends a lot of time in the kitchen. We've already taken care of the hostess. Let's think about how to make this place cozy for all family members.

Let's talk about the dining area. You can, of course, buy a glass table, and then make noise at the children so that they do not break it.

Better to buy cozy furniture, such as sofas and soft chairs or stools. Households will approve of this choice. You can also buy a kitchen sofa with a sleeping place - comfort in the kitchen will be provided with it.

Now many different sofas are produced for the kitchen space. They build in storage for food and even for vacuum cleaners.

But the kitchen corner sofa with a sleeping place is also good because, if necessary, it can be used for the second appointment, especially in the case of unexpected guests arriving or for arranging late friends (see also article about small sofa in the kitchen with a sleeping place).

We decorate and decorate

Cozy kitchens are created with the help of creative imagination and skillful hands.

Cozy kitchens are created with the help of creative imagination and skillful hands.

To create a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, different storage crafts made in the same style are very suitable (see also article Hand-made or DIY kitchen crafts).

For example, you can make cute pockets for storing knives, spoons and forks. And in the same style, make oven mitts, an apron for the hostess and even window curtains (see also article Do-it-yourself kitchen potholders - the occupation of our grandmothers).

You will say that the price of purchased drawers or cutlery stands is low and why do it yourself. But, imagine that what you do with your own hands will exist in only one copy. After all, this is a piece work, and not consumer goods found in every kitchen.

How to make such pockets with your own hands as in the photo?

Let's prepare for work:

  1. the scraps of fabric we have chosen;
  2. a wooden cutting board of the right size;
  3. braid for decoration;
  4. furniture stapler;
  5. glue;
  6. scissors;
  7. a sewing machine and thread (you can also sew it by hand).

Operating procedure:

  1. cut out the fabric by attaching a plank, leaving a couple of centimeters around;
  2. the edge that will be the top is hemmed on a typewriter;
  3. we attach from the bottom side, bending the edges of the fabric, with a stapler to the plate, as in the photo;
We fix the lower edge of the fabric well with a stapler.

We fix the lower edge of the fabric well with a stapler.

  1. We bend the fabric from the sides and go through the top and bottom with a stapler, for greater fastening strength;
Fastening the side parts of the fabric.

Fastening the side parts of the fabric.

  1. We glue the braid, hiding the staples.

So we have nice pockets.

Council. If you have a kitchen corner with a sleeping place in your kitchen, then you can sew pillowcases on pillows of different sizes from exactly the same fabric with braid and lay them out on the sofa.


A modern, cozy home is made up of the atmosphere that we create in every room. The kitchen plays a special role.

Everyone is quite capable of creating coziness in the kitchen, you just need to adhere to one style in decoration and competently equip all zones of this space.


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