Saving cucumbers from aphids

  • Dec 24, 2019

Eat fresh cucumbers from the garden like all gardeners, but to achieve a good harvest is not easy. Among the main reasons - the proliferation of pests, such as aphids, which affects not only the culture, but also squash, watermelons, squash, eggplant, tomatoes that grow in the open field and in greenhouses conditions. To increase yields and protect plants from destruction, saving cucumbers from aphids by all available means.

Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Control measures

Most often, aphid attacks the culture in the second half of the summer. Insects appear on the bottom of leaves, flowers, ovaries. Leaves curl, fall in disrepair entire crop may die on the vine.

Externally, the larvae of aphids, first white, then yellow, and adults dark green or black. During the period of the growing season under favorable conditions, can develop 10 or more generations.
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Pest control starts with preventive measures since autumn. After harvest, you must carefully handle the greenhouse, where the cucumbers were grown. It is recommended to remove the top layer of soil beds (not less than 5 cm), and remove it to the borders of a country site or emptied into the compost heap. So you can protect all the plants in the garden.

Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Caring for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Glass greenhouses on the inside must be washed with a solution of copper sulfate, all of the internal surface of the whitewash. larvae of aphids will be difficult to reproduce in such conditions.

Because aphid larvae can overwinter on weeds, they must be ruthlessly destroyed, it is better to burn or export outside the area.

Effective against aphids is the use of sulfur checkers - their smoke contributes to the destruction of insects.

In the spring during the landing of cultures it is recommended to change the place of cultivation, alternate culture.

If it is possible to use chemicals that can be processed places where insects appear, a mixture solution of superphosphate and potassium chloride. This foliar fertilizer plants periodically sprayed with an atomizer.

If aphids capture more territory and threatens the harvest, you can use safe biological products, such as Arrow and Fitoverm.

Experts advise to use for pest control and home remedies:

  • 400 g of this tobacco infuse 1 bucket of water for 2 days, add 80 g planed economic or any liquid soap. The resulting solution was carefully handle all whip cucumber and soil in the beds.
  • Grind 50 g of fresh chilli bitter pepper, sugar and 1 liter of boiled water, 2 h and diluted with pure water to 10 liters. Flow means to open ground - 1 l per 10 sq. m. If aphids parasitic on the cucumber in the greenhouse space, 10 sq. m. 2 l take infusion. It should be liberally sprayed with liquid all the cluster locations aphids, trying not to hurt the ripening fruit as possible.
  • It is recommended every 5-7 days to process cucumber planting infusions of wormwood, dandelion, celandine, onion peel, garlic arrows. They effectively fight this threat.
  • It is possible to spray the undersides of the leaves of affected plants with a solution of phosphorous-potassium fertilizer (10 liters of water to take 5 g potassium salts stand for two days).
Sprinkle cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sprinkle cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Interesting and effective way to combat aphids - the involvement in the suburban area of ​​beneficial insects such as ladybugs. They are mortal enemies of aphids. They can be collected in the vicinity of the larvae is easy to buy in specialized stores.

At the same time it is necessary to get rid of ants - they are carriers of the larvae of aphids. To do this, you can use insecticides, non-hazardous for cucumber culture.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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