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Perhaps, many people fall into a situation where they closed the front door without a key in his pocket. In such a case usually have to wait for hours someone from the family, climb out the window, or at all to break the lock. All this can be avoided, because the problem is solved in a few minutes. Open the lock to help tidy finger movements and two paper clips.
Sometimes in life there are situations where the knowledge of some "forbidden" methods can be very useful. One example - is to shut the door behind him, and then find that the keys were left on the other side. In this situation, a simple useful life hacking, peeped at present "bugbears".
To open the lock need only two clips. Of them made something that looked like a skeleton key professional thieves.
To begin, we straighten a paper clip. Should get a smooth hard "wire." It will be blank for the auxiliary tool.
Billet bend and fold exactly in half. Further by folding about 1 centimeter from the edge again bend at right angles. As a result of the clips should get the letter "G". The long side of the tool, which will serve as a handle, you can still twist for greater rigidity.
Now we take the second clip and straighten it, but leave a "handle." Bend at the tip of the wire so as to obtain sticking "tooth". This will be the main tool for opening the lock.
Now, with two tools made of staples, you can proceed to unlocking the lock. L-shaped master key is inserted into the hole on the side of the castle, where the key part of the flat side. Further, it cranking so far as the larva. Until the end of the operation lock mechanism and is held in a position to crank.
Further, the course is a skeleton key with the "tooth". Its shove hole larvae and feel for the spring-loaded elements (pins) of the locking mechanism. They need to press "tooth" master key so that the pin has risen in the "open" position. That it happened, you need to do very quickly, as if "pulling" master key.
How to open a lock on his door, clearly visible in the video. The whole process takes only a few minutes, and depends on the dexterity and preliminary training. In this way, both are easy to open attachments, and door locks.
Another life hacking will be extremely useful for motorists who will be able to easy to open your car, if the door is locked and the keys were left inside.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/110918/47745/