Everything will be smooth: how to plan your land plot

  • Jan 10, 2021
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Over time, the surface structure of the suburban area may lose its presentation, become covered with unpresentable bumps, or, conversely, fall through. This issue can be dealt with both independently and with the involvement of specialists. The tips below will help you get the site you want.

Land plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Land plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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Why level the plot?

Small imperfections in land may seem trivial and unimportant. But this is only until the question of erecting buildings or growing plants arises. A smooth area is needed for arranging a roll lawn, and for placing various paths, paving slabs, pouring a concrete foundation. Leveling the site will require effort, which will be highly rewarding in the future.

Leveling the site with a walk-behind tractor or tractor

The plot can be leveled both by hand loosening and using agricultural machinery. In the case of mechanized soil cultivation, walk-behind tractors are often used. This technique allows you to cope with small hills, a maximum of 15 cm. After removing excess soil, the loosened soil is evenly planned over the site. The tractor bucket can pick up heavier clods and level the area to a depth of 1 meter. To carry out work on the planning of the territory with the help of a level, levels are set.

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Delivery of fertile soil

Summer cottages are often leveled by adding a new layer of fertile soil. This method will help get rid of slopes, helping to get a flat area at the exit. After the site is leveled, it must be processed to get rid of unfavorable bacteria, weeds and insect pests.

Land plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Why steam the area?

Steam treatment of land is an old technology that keeps the surface smooth and of high quality for a long time. There are various technologies and methods for such processing. The simplest one is related to scalding the area with boiling water. There are special machines that penetrate with hot steam into the soil up to 30 cm. Compounds of sulfur, lime, copper oxides are often used. If you plan to grow greenhouse crops, sulfur balls can be placed in the ground. For the device of a rolled lawn, the area is loosened several times, then it is leveled with a rake manually.

Additional Information

Competent leveling of the site helps to increase the fertility of the land. If the fertile layer is less than 15 cm, you will need to purchase a fresh one, based on the size of the site. The minimum score for good agricultural results is 20-25 cm. There is no need to make a complete sampling of soil with replacement, it is enough to mix the existing soil with fresh soil. It is important to know the composition of the soil. For heavy soils, sand should be added; for acidic soils, ash is useful. Adding lime can also reduce soil acidity.

Site planning is a process that every homeowner can handle with the right approach. Depending on financial and physical capabilities, you can use different methods, but the end result will bring positive emotions for many years.

Do you know how to plan your plot of land?

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