How to make an armful of firewood burn 3 times longer (bookmark trick). Saving firewood up to 60%

  • Jan 11, 2021

Did you know that an armful of firewood can burn much longer in the stove, while giving more heat? No? Then my article will be very, very useful to you!

For an example and clarity, I will take a long-burning boiler Flames GREEN CODE, which I will heat with an armful of aspen firewood. I note that the method is suitable for any other stoves, and absolutely any wood can be used.

How to make an armful of firewood burn 3 times longer (bookmark trick). Saving firewood up to 60%

Similarly with the method described below, I heat all the stoves on the farm.

So, do you have an armful of firewood that you want to make the most of? Do it as follows: place the thickest logs on the bottom of the stove. The best option when there are several large logs in stock. Try to keep them in the firebox as tightly as possible to one another.

It is necessary to make sure that the air has practically no opportunity to rise from below through the layer of logs.

Then lay the layers of medium-sized logs. Remember they must fit snugly. Pick up the logs as if you were playing Tetris. It is better that the gaps are minimal.
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When you start to get to the top, take the smaller logs. Last, place wood chips suitable for kindling.

If you do everything right, you will end up with a stove full of logs stacked tightly together, decreasing in size as you go up.

Then you can start kindling. Do it from above, not as you are used to - from below. Believe me, if you start lighting the upper, small logs, the fire in the stove will burn longer.

Small logs ignite the fastest, creating a high temperature at the top of the oven. Thanks to this, large firewood will be burned with maximum efficiency.

The fire from small logs will gradually spread to the logs below. Everything will happen slowly but surely. Evenly, smoke will begin to emit from the logs. It turns out that the fire will not immediately break out on all the logs, but will consume them one by one.

The speed of their combustion and the amount of gases emitted depend on the size of the logs. Therefore, this stacking of logs is optimal.

For a specific example, my bunch of aspen logs burned for about 3.5 hours. At the same time, it became so hot in the room that I even opened the window.

I strongly recommend that you use this method so that the wood burns for a long time, while heating the room well.

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