Several reasons for the death of a currant bush, or How not to do it

  • Mar 03, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. To keep the currant bush in your garden productive and healthy, ignore these seven unhealthy tips.

 Currant bush. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Currant bush. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Choosing the wrong variety

Some novice gardeners prefer to use foreign currant varieties, relying on the belief that "imported ones are the best." However, it is not.

The best varieties of these plants are bred in Russian experimental breeding nurseries. Only they are more successful than others who can cope with the "local" weather changes, including the features of some zones.

Pay attention to the tops, not the roots

The strength of young seedlings lies not in the length of their shoots, but in the development of roots - the stronger they are, the better. After planting, the shoots are cut as short as possible - the branches affect the viability of the shrub only partially. A sure way not to see bunches of berries on the shoots is to choose or buy seedlings with sufficiently long branches and a weak root system.

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Planting a bush in the shade

If you plant currants in a shaded and thickened area, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve abundant fruiting. In this case, even careful plant care will not help. Moderate sunshine and spaciousness are ideal conditions for currants. And when cultivating black currants, you should pay attention to soil moisture.

Planting a currant bush. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Do not prepare the land before planting a crop

Under no circumstances should a plant be planted in unprepared ground. With such a rush, the survival rate of currants will decrease several times. The planting area must be prepared about fourteen days before planting the seedlings.

To do this, you should dig depressions with a diameter of about 50x60 cm: the holes should be about twice the size of the root system of a young seedling. Leave the grooves open for a while, this will erode various harmful substances (if the soil was fertilized with manure). Pour top dressing into each hole, which consists of 10 liters of manure, 300 g of ash powder and 200 g of superphosphate. But you can use another recipe, since it all depends on the type of currant and the composition of the soil.

Fight against diseases "grandmother's methods"

Many gardeners in early spring pour boiled water over currant bushes for preventive purposes. But this illiterate method does not bring any benefit, but only harms the plant, because it receives a severe burn.

Bush processing. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The correct solution is to treat the area with insecticides and fungicides according to the calendar.

Non-compliance with the irrigation regime

Some gardeners are sure that the plant does not need watering. Others say that the more abundant and more often the water is poured, the larger the berry will be and the richer the harvest will be.

For the entire seasonal period redcurrant should be watered at least three times in the amount of 1-2 buckets per bush: the first watering - during the growth period fruits, the second - at the end of the harvest, the third - at the end of summer - September, before the transition to winter period.

Black currant much more hygrophilous. With three seasonal watering, it is required to increase the water rate to about 4-5 buckets per 1 sq. m.

Oversupply of fertilizers

The culture is quite sensitive to such a chemical element as chlorine, especially red currants. In large quantities, this substance can have a detrimental effect on the roots, as well as on the vegetative system of currant bushes. Young gardeners, not familiar with this feature and abundantly feeding the currants with fertilizers containing chlorine, are surprised at the sight of a dying bush.

For feeding berry bushes, it is best to use sodium and calcium nitrate, urea. And give up ammonium chloride, since chlorine is present in its composition.

Bypassing these dangerous mistakes when cultivating currants, you can regularly collect a rich harvest of delicious vitamin fruits.

Do you know the reasons for the death of the currant bush?

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