Good afternoon, my reader. In the spring, all perennial crops are restored after winter. And strawberries are no exception. The recovery period is quite difficult, so the plant needs help so that it grows well and the harvest is rich.
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Strawberry Care Tips
The recovery of strawberries after the winter period begins after melting snow. In order to speed up this process, you can sprinkle the snow cover with ash or salt.
An important step in plant care is cleaningfrom organic waste: old mulch, fallen and dried leaves, weeds, bark. This is done to prevent the reproduction of various harmful insects and diseases in the beds. It is necessary to remove frozen, rotten, weakened bushes and shoots, as well as excess antennae.
After the snow has melted, it often happens that the root system is visible. If this happens, the bare areas must be carefully covered with earth. Then you need to fertilize.
Advice. Recommended loosen soil so that it is saturated with oxygen. But this procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to hurt the roots. This will also help the plant retain moisture longer.
Simultaneously with loosening, they do another procedure necessary for strawberries - hilling. The bush is carefully bypassed from all sides, trying not to press down on the central growth axis.
Protection from pests and diseases
Even if all organic debris is removed, the crop is not immune to pests and diseases. This is due to the fact that the soil can remain phytopathogenic bacteria. They can also move from infected plants growing nearby. Therefore, strawberry bushes must be treated with special preparations. First of all, it is necessary to protect them from fungi, since they most often infect plants.
Advice. Fungicide solutions can effectively fight unwanted diseases without damaging the crop.
If the plantings are not too large, then ready-made biological products can be replaced with Bordeaux liquid or a mixture of manganese and copper. These funds are also great for treating fungal infections.
Important. It is also necessary to process strawberries from insect pests, as they also carry viruses that are difficult to get rid of.
Top dressing and watering
First of all, before flowering, you need to make organic fertilizers in a diluted state. For example, you can use:
- ash;
- humus;
- bird droppings;
- manure.
We must not forget about inorganic dressings. They are also essential for the normal growth of strawberries. For example, nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring, and potash fertilizers in the middle of summer.
During the recovery period, culture requires correct watering, which fully ensures the formation and active growth of the plant. It should be carried out after loosening the soil to maintain normal soil moisture.
Strawberries are not a capricious culture. But she still does not like excessive moisture or drought. Therefore, when watering, it is important to consider the type of soil and its ability to retain water.
Advice. You can determine how well watering is carried out by squeezing a clod of earth in your fist. If it easily sticks to your hand and does not crumble, then there is enough moisture in the soil. Otherwise, the watering process should be continued.
After all the garden procedures, you can sprinkle with straw, sawdust, humusthat will prevent weeds from germinating. In this case, fertilizers and water will freely flow to the roots of the plant.
If you follow all the rules and do not neglect the advice, then the recovery of strawberries after winter will go well, and the harvest will delight you with abundance and fragrant berries.
Do you know how to help strawberries recover from winter?
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Read about how to change the strawberry place in the following article:How to change strawberry place: tips for gardeners