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Everyone wants to interlocutor was always with him the most sincere. Unfortunately, life is not always the people are honest. Fortunately, not all liars are able well enough to hide their lies. Intelligence agents told on what grounds, direct or indirect, can be determined liar.
1. Indirect response
Any deviation from a straight answer eloquently indicates that the person is trying to lie. Liars also like to push their "honesty", strongly indicating that they have no reason to lie to say in this situation. An honest man will never say anything like that.
2. Religion
The man, who had actually been caught in a lie, may try to point out their religiosity. In general - it is equally absurd attempt to evade an answer or an attempt to get out, just like any other indirect answer. For example, a person can begin to put pressure on their piety and what he belief in general, does not allow to do so.
3. Legs
Keep an eye on the legs of his companion, they can tell about a person a lot more than he would have liked. If the interviewee began jerking his lower limbs, it clearly indicates that the issue of human unsettling.
4. immobilization
Most inexperienced liars can and does lose control of his body, becomes like a turtle, hiding in his shell. Definitely, this feature is not seen as often as we would like, but it must be remembered about him as well.
5. Too sincere look
It is believed that a person who is lying, always look away. This is true only for the most inexperienced liars. Most liars are doing strictly the opposite - they are by all means will squeeze out a sincere, the actual "piercing" look.
6. overreaction
Too violent reaction on the sensitive issue - one of the most eloquent evidence that a person is lying. The essence of this technique (from the liar) is very simple. He tries to make a person feel guilty or simply confuse him a storm of emotions.
Continuing the theme 10 true tips, which will wash several times more efficient and not only.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/130818/47433/