Good afternoon, my reader. Any business has its own tricks and tricks, and gardening is no exception. Using some special methods, you can not only speed up the ripening process of grapes, but also significantly increase the yield and size of the berries.
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The meaning of this agricultural technique is that artificially the outflow of nutrients is blocked from bunches of grapes to other parts of the plant.
The time of the manipulation depends on the goals:
- to increase the number of ovaries - during the flowering period;
- to accelerate ripening - at the moment when the berries begin to pour;
- to increase the yield - when the berries in the bunch grow to the size of a pea.
This method is used on fruit-bearing shoots. The manipulation is carried out in this way: you need to make a cross section along the vine so that you get a narrow strip of bark no more than five millimeters wide. Then the bunches will ripen a couple of weeks earlier.
Note. The procedure can be carried out without removing the bark. Then it will need to be repeated in a week.
Ringing can also be carried out with wire: after the flowering of the plant, it should be tightly wound in several turns at the base of the fruit arrow. Then all the nutrients will remain at the top and will be directed into the bunches.
You should also remember about some important nuances:
- The knife for the procedure must be sharp.
- If the ring is made too wide or the manipulation is carried out too late, then the "wound" will take a long time to heal.
- So that the yield does not decrease, ringing is recommended to be done on different vines every year.
It so happens that the tops of the shoots are straightened. Because of this, the berries stop pouring, and the growth of the vine itself slows down. To accelerate the ripening of grapes, minting is used, that is removal of flexible young tips. The growth of greens stops, and the juices go to the development of berries.
This procedure causes some controversy, as it provokes the appearance of side branches. To prevent this from happening, you just need to break off the tops, and not remove them.
Another good method for accelerating the ripening process of grapes. It consists in what you need twist the vine over the bunch. This is done at the moment when the berries are almost ripe. Despite the fact that this causes a slight raisin, the berries will ripen much faster.
This procedure can be simplified by twisting individual bunches rather than a whole vine. The result will be the same. However, this option is not suitable for all grape varieties. In some varieties, the shoots are very fragile and can break.
As a result of this manipulation, it turns out that the base of the shoot is compressed, and moisture ceases to flow into the bunches. Because of this, a lot of sugar begins to accumulate in them, which is good for the berries.
Important. Using this method, it is necessary to ensure that the berries are poured evenly. To do this, the bunch is turned towards the sun with the side that is in the shade.
Twisting is carried out twice a season: in the phase of active growth of berries and when thinning the bunches. The process takes a lot of time and effort, but it is very productive and allows you to do without industrial plant growth stimulants.
The agrotechnical methods recommended above can improve the ripening of the grape vine and get an excellent harvest.
Do you know how to effectively accelerate the ripening of grapes?
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