Apple crumble - Feed the tree

  • Dec 24, 2019

If you fall off the apples, then trees need fertilizing. Fertilizers made to correctly chosen time and in the right quantity, is the key to a healthy garden and abundant fruiting.

Ovary apples on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Ovary apples on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Fruit plantations need to be four times feeding for spring and autumn. Only in the winter, when the trees slow down their development and hibernate, they are no longer in need of nutrients. First fertilizing is done in the second decade of April, when the buds. The second procedure is at the beginning of flowering. Then fertilizers are applied during the ripening of the fruit. After harvesting the garden fed last time, trees had to form a large number of buds, from which spring shoot out leaves and flower stalks.

The most commonly used complex compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen compounds are responsible for the formation of the foliage. It is not recommended to use them in large quantities after flowering. Otherwise, all the trees of power will go to the formation of lush crown. But during the ripening of apples planting again begin to need nitrogen.

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Phosphorus helps strengthen the root system of the tree. Furthermore, this accelerates the formation of a chemical element stems, and then ovary.

Potassium accelerates ripening fruit. Most acutely in need of apple at the beginning of ripening. Gardeners often make phosphate and potash products during flowering and then just before hibernation.
Young apples on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Young apples on a branch. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

making the area of ​​fertilizer is important to accurately define. Under the apple tree root is not fed. From the tree trunk on the back of 60-70 cm. The entire circumference, from this distance until the closure crown shape, it is necessary to fertilize, disintegrating pre-primer.

For the first spring fertilization is most often used humus or urea. Fresh cow dung are not recommended for this purpose. Manipulation is made easy: tree scatter around 40-50 kg of manure. Then dig it into the soil. Urea need much less - just 0.4-0.5 kg.

During flowering, prepare a special composition of water-based. To it was mixed 150 g of urea, superphosphate, 250 and 200 g of potassium compound. The dry composition is added to 50 liters of water and stirred until dissolved. If desired, the urea can be replaced by chicken droppings. It will need about 1.5 kg.

Before fertilizing tree abundantly watered. The rate of application means on apple 1 - 50 liters. After fertilizing the soil it is recommended to re-watered.

For the third rate of nutrient feeding means is decreased. In this case, a single tree is sufficient to use 30 liters of solution. First, a boiling water was dissolved 3 g of sodium in the powder. It can be replaced with a liquid formulation in the amount prescribed in the instructions. The solution was added to defend or rainwater. There also sent nitrophosphate 130 g, which represents a complex fertilizer containing small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

In late autumn, but before the onset of night frosts, bring nutrients to the last time. For this purpose, 300 g of potassium and phosphorus compounds. Drugs are diluted in 40 l defended or rainwater. Then produce watering composition obtained in the area intended for feeding.

If autumn was rainy and there is excess moisture in the soil, can not prepare a solution. It suffices to mix two substances and homogeneously sprinkled with a mixture of the ground around the tree.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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