How to make geraniums bloom. Good feeding rules

  • Mar 04, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Geranium (Pelargonium) is one of the most popular flower crops. For good and frequent flowering, it is necessary to feed and take good care of the geraniums. The introduction of nutrients is the key to long flowering.

 Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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As a fertilizer, both ready-made preparations and affordable folk remedies are used.

Ready funds

Remember that geranium does not tolerate organic matter: manure, chicken droppings and other fertilizers. Replace them with minerals. Use formulations that include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. They are recommended to be applied to the soil in equal proportions. If the flower grows in a pot, then feeding should be regular, since the soil is depleted over time and needs additional nutrition. In the spring and summer periods, fertilization is applied once every 15 days. In the cold season, geraniums are not fed.

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If the flower is planted in open ground, more often - once a week. It spends energy on survival in a new place, spends energy on flowering.

Geraniums don't need watering as badly as they do regular feeding!

For good flowering of pelargonium, magnesium sulfate is also needed. Such fertilization promotes the active formation of inflorescences, and the plant begins to actively bloom. 15 g of the drug should be diluted in 5 liters of water. Start regularly watering the geranium with this solution, and you will immediately see the result.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Now in specialized stores and shopping centers complex fertilizers of a wide spectrum of action are widely presented.

Traditional methods

Geranium can be fed with simple affordable means.

  • Every home medicine cabinet contains medical iodine. Dilute a drop in one liter of water. Water with this solution (50 ml under one bush) once every two weeks. This will be enough to provide the plant with the necessary nutrients. Be sure to spill the plant well the day before feeding.
  • Wood ash is known for its beneficial properties - it is not only an excellent fertilizer, it is also good against various diseases. 6 tbsp. l. ash is dissolved in 2 liters of water and infused for a week. Half a glass of solution for one bush.
  • Finely chop the banana peel and pour boiling water over. Let it brew in a dark place for about 5-7 days. Then dilute this infusion with water at the rate of 1: 1. Such feeding is required in spring and autumn, it helps flowers gain strength for flowering. You can make it easier - finely chop the peel and bury it in the soil. There it quickly decomposes and nourishes it with useful substances.
  • Place 100 g of crushed shells in a glass jar and pour 1 liter of warm water. After 2 days, the nutritional formula will be ready for use.
  • Infusions of hops, nettles, potato tops will help to replenish the nitrogen deficiency.
  • Loves geranium and yeast feeding. 5 g of dry yeast is diluted in 5 liters of water.

Do you know how to make geraniums bloom?

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