Made a tricky tree tops saw. I show you how to cut an unnecessary branch from a distance

  • Mar 16, 2021

The summer cottage season has already begun. I am sure the method I have tested will be interesting and useful to you, now I will tell you how to remove an unattainable top of a tree using homemade products. Safe and confident.

Why remove the top of the tree remotely?

  • Sometimes trees growing in height and to the side begin to hang with their branches over neighboring areas, so as not to irritate the neighbor, they have to be removed.
  • In some cases, they touch power lines, threatening to cut them off in strong winds, swaying.
  • Large trunks, as in my case, can hang over the roof. And with a high degree of probability, if the barrel breaks, they will damage it.

The reader will object: "Heh, I'll put the ladder up and cut it off. Found a problem. "

I want to look at the step-ladder which is 8 meters long... Yes, yes, I needed one to cut a branch at a height of eight meters. I managed to make a staircase of 6 meters and start my adaptation from it.

In addition, it is very dangerous to cut a powerful branch at a height, falling, it can carry along with it a person working on weight.

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I show my idea. Video on how it works at the end of the article

Earlier, I talked about how to make a flexible saw from an old chainsaw chain. Scroll through the gallery, visually from the pictures it is clear how it is made.

On the ground, in her hands, she does an excellent job of cutting out the trunk of bushes:

The question naturally arises. And how can she operate at a height? My version is this:

  • Tie a rope to one eyelet and climb the ladder, throw the chain. We tie the second free eye on the ground to the second rope and pull the chain back to the workplace of the future saw cut.

If the chain fits correctly with its teeth on the trunk. Then you can make translational movements. This way.

Better to let the chain be pulled by two people, diverging in different corners. So that the chain does not cut too much. But since I was working alone. With a little labor, I managed to cut the branch. Safely. On distance. Here's a video:

Have questions? Ask. From SW. Timofey Mikhailov.