Why roses get sick and die: 5 main mistakes when growing

  • Mar 20, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Rose is the real queen of the garden. It blooms magnificently, fills the air with a unique aroma, but at the same time it needs special care.

 Roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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Lack of trace elements and nutrients, frequent or rare watering, as well as other errors in the maintenance cause the death of the plant.

Vaccination and planting

Mistake 1: Poor landing site

The rose loves light and does not tolerate darkened areas, for example, under the crown of trees. The close arrangement of shrubs and trees deprives the culture of micronutrients present in the soil.

The east-north and north wind direction is dangerous for roses. The acidity of the soil should not exceed 6-7 pH.

The plant cannot be poured - it is enough to moisten the ground a little. Large amounts of water lead to oxygen deficiency and root rot.

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Mistake 2: Incorrect planting of the grafted crop

The most vulnerable part of the plant is the grafting site, which is not resistant to cold temperatures. If this place is not buried to a depth of 3-5 cm, the rose will die.

There is another problem: young shoots can appear on the rose hips, and not on the cultivated part of the bush.

Wild growth takes useful components and substances from the cultivated part of the plant.


Mistake 3: Watering with very cold or hot water

Roses must be watered with clean water without unnecessary impurities. The optimum temperature is 23-25 ​​℃. The plant does not tolerate too cold or hot water.

Water the culture under the root to prevent liquid from getting on the leaves. This can cause severe burns in dry weather.

It is recommended to dig a round hole (12 to 15 cm) before watering, fill it with water, wait until the soil has completely absorbed the liquid, and bury the hole.

It is better to irrigate roses in the evening, when the sunset begins. Watering should be abundant, but rare: for one bush 6-10 liters of water at a time.

If it is frequent and scarce, the water is completely taken up by the topsoil, and the root system remains not watered. As a result, the roots grow, they can lie on the surface of the earth, which makes them weak and not resistant to frost.

Caring for roses. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

The vegetative period requires abundant watering once every 1-1.5 weeks, in dry and hot weather - once every 3-6 days. With the beginning of autumn, watering is reduced.

Fertilizing and pruning

Mistake 4: Poor trimming

The main purpose of pruning is to form the crown of the bush. All underdeveloped, diseased or frost-damaged shoots must be removed.

It is advisable to cut the bad branches before the first true bud is formed. In summer, it is necessary to remove flowerless shoots and wilted buds. This stimulates the growth of new flowers.

Withered buds force the plant to "prepare for hibernation" rather than waste energy on further flowering.

In the autumn, the removal of weak and non-viable parts of the culture, peduncle processes (2/3 of the total length) and young shoots is also carried out.

If you do not follow this procedure, in winter, diseased parts of the plant can cause infection and cause the death of the rose.

To make it easier to cover the crop for the winter, it is recommended to reduce the length of the shoots by half or 2/3. Shelter is carried out after the first frost.

Too early a process slows down the growth of the shoots, which leads to freezing.

Pruning roses. Illustration for this article is used under standard license © ofazende.com.

Mistake 5: Insufficient or oversaturation of fertilizing

Abundant or untimely feeding is dangerous for plants. With the arrival of spring, nitrogen, phosphorus or potash fertilizers are used.

Nitrogen accelerates the growth of shoots, so it can be used not only in spring, but also in summer. Phosphorus and potassium stimulate flowering and are required at the time of bud emergence.

The last time the culture is fertilized with phosphorus and potassium is at the beginning of autumn. Then you should not use complex preparations, otherwise new leaves and shoots will form, which will freeze in the cold season.

These simple yet effective guidelines will allow you to grow beautiful roses without too many problems.

Do you know why roses get sick and die?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about caring for roses in the following article:Rules for caring for a rose - the queen of the garden