What elements of the chicken coop should not be forgotten during its construction

  • Mar 25, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. To avoid the mortality of chickens, pecking them at each other, reducing egg production, it is necessary to correctly equip the chicken coop. The correct arrangement of the elements affects the health and productivity of the inhabitants. Conventionally, the elements that fill the chicken coop can be divided into stationary and movable.

 Chicken coop. Illustration for the article is used from the site krov-torg.ru
Chicken coop. Illustration for the article is used from the site krov-torg.ru
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The installation of such parts implies strength, stability and reliability. That is why their location must be thought out in advance in order to ensure convenience not only for the birds, but also for yourself during the cleaning of the house.

  1. Perch. Chickens are placed on it while sleeping or resting. It can be made in the form of a wide staircase, inclined. This design will prevent droppings from entering the chickens located on the lower steps of the perch. 30 cm wide - enough space for one bird. The size of the perch and the number of chickens must be considered. You also need to take care of the strength of the timber from which the perch is made; it should not sag under several birds sitting on it.
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  2. Nests. In them, the inhabitants of the chicken coop lay eggs. A structure is assembled from several boxes located at a height of 0.5 m from the floor. Inside, the box is divided into 2 sections. The top one is for chicken, the bottom one is for eggs. In the upper compartment, along the far wall, a hole is made through which the egg enters the lower compartment. Be sure to cover the lower compartment with straw to avoid broken eggs. One nest is designed for 4-5 individuals, its size should not be less than 30x40x30. It is important to provide a small ladder along which the chickens can climb into the nest.
  3. Litter. Provides warmth, absorbs bird waste. It can be made from sawdust, straw, hay, a mixture of these materials. Changes every week.
  4. Net walking. Allows the bird to go outside. The mesh is stretched over the supporting pillars. Its lower part should be dug into the ground or firmly pressed against it. You can build a small shed where the chickens will hide from the rain without returning to the chicken coop.
Chicken coop. Illustration for the article is used from the site ekoseno.ru


These elements can be rearranged, removed and replaced at any time. That is why they think about their placement only after the installation of stationary structures.

  1. Feeders. Their number depends solely on the poultry population. They are placed in the center of the chicken coop so that each inhabitant has free access to food. Fodder falls asleep twice: in the morning and in the evening. Evening feeding consists of a larger portion so that a small amount of feed remains in the trough overnight.
  2. Drinking bowls. As with feeders, the number of drinkers is calculated depending on the number of chickens. Drinkers should be easily accessible to birds. The water is changed 2-3 times a day, as it gets dirty. Clean water is the key to the health of all inhabitants of the chicken coop.
  3. Mineral additive. A fodder shell is used as an additional food for the birds. It provides birds with all the essential minerals and trace elements. A bowl with a seashell can be in any corner of the chicken coop. Birds approach her exclusively when necessary.
  4. Bathing suit. It is a box filled with wood ash and sand. Protects chickens from parasites. It can be located anywhere in the chicken coop.
  5. Natural substances. In very small feeders, it is necessary to lay out small pebbles, sand, crushed coal, grass. All these substances are part of the complete nutrition of chickens.
  6. Fluorescent lamps. Lack of natural lighting causes aggression, reduces the egg production of the bird. To avoid these phenomena, the hen house is equipped with fluorescent lamps, which are turned on in cloudy weather and in winter.
Building a chicken coop is not difficult. The main thing is to harmoniously arrange in it all the elements necessary for a full-fledged life of a bird.

Do you know what elements of the chicken coop should not be forgotten during its construction?

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