5 mistakes in working with a grinder that can end badly

  • Mar 27, 2021
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5 mistakes in working with a grinder that can end badly
5 mistakes in working with a grinder that can end badly

The grinder is far from being such a simple and safe tool as it might seem at first glance. If you approach its use carelessly and even more so do not follow safety precautions, then you can easily lose not only your fingers. Before taking on a grinder, it would be nice to know at least about the most common mistakes, which ultimately lead to extremely sad consequences.

1. Unreliable fixation

The disc must be properly seated and well clamped. / Photo: strong.tools.
The disc must be properly seated and well clamped. / Photo: strong.tools.

Poor disc retention is the main cause of most breakdowns during operation. Needless to say, damage to the disc, among other things, is fraught with the fact that the operator will receive with a high degree of probability a variety of injuries, including very serious ones. For this reason, before starting any work, you should check the quality of fixing the tightening nut, make sure that there is no backlash.

2. Cable damage

No tool can be used when the cable is damaged. / Photo: ichip.ru.
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Working with absolutely any power tool that has a damaged power cord is guaranteed not to end well. The grinder in this respect is never an exception. In the worst case, a damaged wire can cause a fire or simply shock the careless master.

3. Incorrect disc direction

It is very important to get the disc in the right direction. / Photo: bezformata.com.

When working with a grinder, it is very important to ensure that the disc is in the correct direction. First of all, do not allow the position of the tool in which sparks will fly away from the operator. If the disc collapses in this position, then the person is highly likely to receive serious injuries and injuries, since all the fragments will fly towards the face.

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4. Lack of protective gear

You cannot work without protective equipment. / Photo: mig-welding.co.uk.

In fact, the first and most important safety rule when working with absolutely any tool. So when working with a grinder, there must be goggles and a dressing gown. Gloves are recommended. A special mask will not be superfluous. In addition, the grinder itself must have a protective cover for the disc. Without the latter, it is impossible to start work in principle, since almost half of the most severe injuries as a result of accidents are associated precisely with the scattering of fragments.

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5. Incorrect discs

The disc may just burst. / Photo: krrot.net.

Among other things, it is very important to ensure that the grinder disc is also correctly fixed. If it has the wrong angle, then such a disk can easily break or burst. In addition, you should remember about the second important point: every grinder must be equipped with discs of a suitable size. Specific characteristics are indicated in the instructions for a particular tool.

Continuing the topic, read about
how easy it is to unscrew the grinder discwithout having the right skills.
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