Kampanula - "groom" and "bride"

  • Dec 24, 2019

Kampanula or bell ravnolistny (from the Latin campana - Bell) - is a beautiful plant with delicate flowers of white or blue color. It is considered a symbol of family happiness, so before the wedding day the bride and groom often gave the pot 2 with bells, which were called "bride" (a plant with blue flowers) and "groom" (with white petals). Unpretentious in the care Campanula able to decorate the garden and the interior of any apartment, so it is a pleasure to acquire people to their homes and summer cottages.

Growing Kampanuly. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Growing Kampanuly. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Kampanula - care

Bell ravnolistny can be found in the meadows and on mountain slopes in Europe, Asia, North America and the Caucasus. He grows up to 30-50 cm in height, then shoots under the weight of the weight go down and beautifully creep along the ground.

for kampanuloy care includes feeding, watering, transplanting and multiplication. Of great importance for the successful growth and flowering of the bell has its location. The plant does not like drafts. In order to develop it needs sunlight but not direct light and partial shade, so kampanulu planted in the south-east or south-west side of the site.

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Bell afraid waterlogged, it should not be planted in the lowlands or in areas with high groundwater levels. Recommend perform soil drainage. Earth kampanuly for use neutral or slightly alkaline. Before planting, the soil dug up and loosened. Seeds are sown in spring (May).

Young plants watered as the drying of soil in the evenings. In the hot season irrigation increases, each time after the loose soil. Bell bloom in the second year of life. The flowering period is necessary to feed its potash and phosphate fertilizers. Faded bells removed in a timely manner. With the advent of plant cold cut to 10-15 cm, and in winter harbor foliage.

Care kampanuloy. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Care kampanuloy. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Kampanula: care at home

Most often this basket plant people prefer to grow at home in the rooms, windows facing west or east. "Groom" and "bride" are planted in a vase on the legs. Do not recommend planting in a container of white and blue plants, as "Bride" is growing faster, "groom" and slow down its development. Kampanuly to use a universal primer. The plant is resistant temperature +14... + 25 ° C. To bell bloomed profusely, his 1 every 2 weeks during the period from March to August are fed mineral fertilizer Kemira. In the summer the plants watered 2 times a week, sometimes sprayed water from the sprayer. In winter, reduce watering to 1 every 2 weeks.

In late autumn shoots are cut by 1/3. During the heating season because of the proximity of the radiator to the window, the soil in the pot can quickly dry out, however capacity bells are rearranged on the dresser or nightstand or place it in a pot and is suspended over window. Spring "groom" and "bride" transplanted to larger pots with fresh soil and place for 7 days in the penumbra, and then spend the first feeding.
Kampanula in the bucket. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Kampanula in the bucket. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

reproduction kampanuly

Bell ravnolistny lives only 3 years, but it can be propagated by grafting. In the fall of the plant is cut from the bottom with fresh escape foot is placed on it 10 hours a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then placed in a beaker with clean water until the rootlets. After 3 weeks, cutting planted in a pot, cover with foil on top. Moisturize with the spray 1 time per week. After rooting spend feeding.

Simply multiply kampanulu seeds. They are sown in the ground in March, moisturize spray, and after germination and emergence of shoots 3 sheets are transplanted into pots.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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