Why some motorists attach themselves to glass "exclamation point"

  • Dec 24, 2019
Why attach themselves to glass "exclamation point."
Why attach themselves to glass "exclamation point."

Every driver really should know that means a sticker on the windshield in the form of an exclamation mark. Such a designation required to install all young motorists with the experience of two years, but for some reasons, this designation is attached to the windshield and drivers with a very respectful time Transportation Management means.

This sign does not need to be fixed. | Photo: drive2.ru.
This sign does not need to be fixed. | Photo: drive2.ru.

Mounted on glass exclamation drivers with little experience of driving are required by law. Prescribed it directly traffic regulations. For violation of this order may be issued a warning or a fine. However, the law does not say anything about what these labels should be removed when comes time period in which the motorist is still considered a novice. Moreover, the rules allow the continued use of an exclamation mark on the glass if the motorist is not confident in their abilities and skills of driving.

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Traffic police rarely inhibits such cars. | Photo: zr.ru.
Traffic police rarely inhibits such cars. | Photo: zr.ru.
Important: In the absence of an exclamation mark on the car new driver is provided by law to a fine of 500 rubles.

However, as practice shows, those skilled motorists that decide to leave a mark, do it not because, being behind the wheel does not feel solid ground under their feet. The fact that the police somehow rarely stop vehicles with an exclamation point on the windshield, except for those cases when the traffic police on the road begins to slow down literally every machine.

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Unbelievable, but it is a fact. | Photo: yeyskpress.ru.
Unbelievable, but it is a fact. | Photo: yeyskpress.ru.

What exactly it is the essence of this attitude to newcomers - not known. A number of drivers also claims that the police almost stopped to brake the car from the "at risk" for checking (Cars that are in the country most often stolen), if they see that the data of the vehicle was driven inexperienced driver.

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DPS officers.
DPS officers.

Then read about actions of the driver, when the inspector calls show a reflective vest, fire extinguisher, and open the trunk when stopping in the road.
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