Signs of 4 common onion diseases. How do I fix the problem?

  • Apr 15, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Onions are an unpretentious culture that is easy to care for. However, the growing process can be complicated by some diseases that occur during the growing season. Prevention and measures to combat pathogen infections will help to save the harvest.

 Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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It is almost impossible to detect this bacterial disease on bulbs during the growing season. It manifests itself already at the stage of storage. Externally, the bulbs may look satisfactory, while the core is already beginning to rot.

The disease can only be determined by the unpleasant odor emanating from root crops. It is impossible to save an infected crop. Plants infect insects that damage the bulbs: spider mites, onion flies and hoverflies.

Control methods

Preventive measures will help to cope with bacterial rot:

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  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • annual plowing of the soil;
  • disinfection of seed and tools;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weed control and removal of plant residues.

In addition, aromatic herbs and flowers that repel pests are planted next to the onion beds. The aisles are treated with brine (1 tbsp. salt in a bucket of water). And the beds are sprinkled with a dry mixture of tobacco dust, wood ash and hot pepper.

Radical ways to combat the disease are the treatment of beds and plants with insecticidal preparations: Alatar, Zemlin, Aktara, Aktellik, Mukhoed, etc.

Important! The reason for the development of bacteriosis can be rainy weather or abundant watering in the evening.


The fungal infection spreads easily throughout the site by gusts of wind, moisture and insects. It can be identified by small watery spots appearing on green feathers. High humidity only aggravates the situation, provoking the formation of gray fungal plaque.

The disease affects all parts of the plant (bulb, feathers). Infection in a short period of time can destroy up to half of the crop.

Prevention and remedies

Infected plants are sprayed with a solution prepared from copper sulfate (20 g), soap shavings (200 g) and 10 liters of water. Or they are treated with fungicides: "Ordan", "Fundazol", "Abiga-Peak", etc. Plants are sprayed twice with an interval of 14-15 days.

Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The tops of diseased plants (after harvesting) are destroyed along with other plant residues. For prophylaxis, planting material is disinfected with a biological product "Fitosporin-M" or fungicides.

Sclerotiniasis (White Rot)

Fungal disease affects all parts of the plant. Bulbs can become infected both during the growing season and during storage. In this case, the infection develops in a room much faster than in a garden bed.

The disease manifests itself gradually: at first, the feathers turn yellow and dry out. Then the scales of the bulbs are covered with a white (fluffy) bloom with black specks. The development of infection is provoked by: increased acidity of the soil, excess nitrogen in the soil, non-observance of crop rotation and violation of agricultural technology.

Treatment and prevention

The early stage of the disease of the plant is treated with fungicidal preparations: "Ordan", "Energy", "Abiga-Peak", "Previkur", etc. Sprinkle the contaminated soil with wood ash. Plants affected by the infection are destroyed. After harvesting, the soil is treated with a solution prepared from copper sulfate (50 g) per 10 liters of water.

Peronosporosis (Downy mildew)

A dangerous fungal disease can destroy up to 50% of the crop. The infection spreads very quickly by insects, air currents, moisture. The plant most often gets sick during the growing season. Whitish spots first appear on the green mass. Then the foliage withers and dries up. If the plants in the garden are not sprayed with chemicals, the crop will completely die.

Troubleshooting methods

Experienced summer residents treat the planting material with fungicides. The culture is planted in open areas with well-drained soil to avoid moisture stagnation. Do not water the plants with cold water, especially in the evening.

Infected plants are sprayed with Oxyhom every 3-4 weeks after germination. A month before harvesting, processing is stopped.

Improper watering and feeding, heavy, impenetrable soil and an abundance of weeds can provoke disease. To grow and preserve the onion crop, it is necessary to comply with crop rotation and agricultural requirements.

Do you know how to deal with diseases of onions and garlic?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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