3 Proven Ways To Quickly Remove Superglue From Your Fingers

  • Apr 20, 2021
3 Proven Ways To Quickly Remove Superglue From Your Fingers
3 Proven Ways To Quickly Remove Superglue From Your Fingers

Every time you start working with superglue, there is a risk that your hands will get pretty dirty. The feeling of dried glue is not the most pleasant. Moreover, the composition, frozen on the fingers, is corny and annoying. It is for this reason that you should know and remember several more or less effective ways to quickly cleanse the skin from the sticky composition.

Glue on your hands is not a harmless thing. / Photo: sdelai-lestnicu.ru.
Glue on your hands is not a harmless thing. / Photo: sdelai-lestnicu.ru.

Someone might think: why not just leave the glue on your hands, because sooner or later it will peel off by itself. On the one hand, this is true. Under the influence of natural factors, first of all, constant rubbing of dirty skin against clothes and objects of the environment, the glue will peel off from it. However, you should not forget that superglue (including dried) remaining on the skin for a long time can cause a serious chemical burn of the skin. And this is already a serious injury that requires medical attention. Therefore, the glue that has dried on your hands should be wiped away from sin. And the faster the better.

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1. We use "folk" remedies

Regular salt will help. / Photo: 1tv.ru.

First of all, the majority of compatriots will prefer to try to use "grandmother's" glue removers. Here, the main assistant for us will be ordinary table salt, which is rubbed into the glue. You can also use sunflower oil, which is rubbed into the sticky composition with a cotton pad. It shows itself well in removing a solution from food vinegar and soap based on warm water. Finally, you can rub the stained area with petroleum jelly, wait 5-10 minutes and wash your hands, thus wiping off the glue along with the remedy.

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2. We put into business household and not very chemistry

Acetone can be used. / Photo: yaplakal.com.

To remove dried glue, you can use special products that are sold at hardware stores. True, many fellow citizens do not want to spend extra money on specialized materials for cleaning, including hands. In this case, you can treat the dried glue with acetone, Dimexide or nail polish remover. All of the above is applied to the contaminated area of ​​the skin with a cotton pad. After cleaning, do not forget to thoroughly wash your hands.

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3. Diligence and work, they will grind everything

Can be wiped off with a pumice stone. / Photo: legkovmeste.ru.

This will sound strange and, in a sense, even funny, but one should not discount such a method as a banal mechanical effect. Almost any superglue can be easily peeled off your hands. The most important thing is to thoroughly wet your hands with warm, almost hot water before rubbing. Rubbing glue-soiled skin is best done with a regular hygienic pumice stone.

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