We share our experience - the best tricks for novice summer residents from experienced gardeners

  • Apr 25, 2021
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The longer you work at your summer cottage, the more experience you accumulate. Thanks to this, the plants turn out better every time. Exchange of experience and recommendations from more experienced summer residents will allow you to learn faster. Today we offer you 10 tricks that will make planting and caring for your plants easier.

Garden plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Garden plot. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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The necessary conditions

Thanks to simple manipulations, it is possible to provide the plants with excellent conditions without any problems.

  1. Pour into an empty container. Long-rooted plants suffer from a lack of moisture if watered in the usual way. To restore balance, we suggest using a plastic pot with holes made in the bottom. This container should be buried in the ground, leaving the upper edge on the surface, and pour water for irrigation into it. Gradually, through the holes, the liquid will flow to the roots, and they will be saturated with the required amount of moisture.
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  3. Organize a small greenhouse. If you need to isolate a small pot or plant, then a simple plastic bottle will come to the rescue. Half of it must be cut off, and the part with the bottom must be used. Covering the plant with half a bottle creates a greenhouse effect.
  4. Make a citrus refill. In order for the flowers to receive additional nutrients, you can make pots for them from the peel from any citrus fruit by placing the soil there, and then the seeds. This method is only good for small plants.
  5. Feed the plants with "charged" water. After cooking vegetables, a liquid remains, which absorbs many nutrients. They can be used to enrich plants. So do not pour out the vegetable broth, it is perfect for watering, you just have to wait for it to cool.
  1. Use eggshells as fertilizer. You should not throw away the shell, because it can be useful in the garden. It contains many nutrients that can increase yields. The most important substance is calcium. Remember to crush the shells before use. This can be done using any tool, such as a blender.
Garden. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Site arrangement

To keep your site properly and beautifully decorated, we offer the following tips.

  1. Plant plants in two pots. This way you can save your time and energy if you have to replant plants. You can easily transfer them anywhere if you plant them in two pots before digging into the ground. When transplanting, it is enough just to pull out one pot from another and transfer it to the right place.
  2. Make a small vegetable garden out of the container. If you own a small plot, this method will help you grow more vegetables and flowers. Only a large plastic container is useful, at the bottom of which you need to make holes. Then it should be filled with earth. You can place a mini-bed anywhere.
  3. Apply diapers. The flower grower has long learned to use diapers to care for plants. If you place them at the bottom of the pot, then the moisture will linger in it and will nourish the flowers. In this way, root decay will be avoided. This method is especially good for annuals.
  4. Use coffee filters. Thanks to them, soil loss can be avoided. If you take pots with drainage holes, then not only moisture, but also earth will go out of them. The filter paper used for coffee will keep the soil from escaping, but will release the liquid.
  5. Use cinder blocks. Thanks to these building materials, you can make a bed of any shape, they can be a good fence or a square pot for small plantings.
The presented tricks will help solve various problems for arranging a vegetable garden. Over time, you will come up with something of your own. Don't forget to share with others!

Do you know how to equip a summer cottage?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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