How and how to process currants in the spring from diseases and pests

  • Apr 26, 2021

The whole future harvest of this most useful berry depends on how high-quality the processing of currant bushes will be in the spring. Therefore, it is important to correctly and promptly complete all procedures. The main thing is to do them before the kidneys open.

Currant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Currant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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What is the treatment of bushes in spring

These manipulations have two important purposes:

  • prevention of various diseases;
  • extermination of pests.

Important. Most of the means with which plants are treated contain substances that damage the leaves, and therefore the procedures are carried out in early spring.

Currant processing. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Disease prevention and pest control should be started when the snow melts and the air temperature is high enough. Otherwise, the effectiveness of these measures will be insignificant, since the non-melted layer of snow protects parasites and pathogens from the effects of special solutions.

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Important. It is also worth focusing on the condition of the currant buds. For high-quality processing, they must be swollen, but not yet opened.

How and how to treat bushes from diseases

Currants are more disease resistant. But some hit her quite often. There are not so many of them: anthracnose, rust, gray rot, striped mosaic, spheroteca, reversion, septoria. In any case, one cannot do without the intervention of a gardener.

Important. If processing is not carried out in a timely manner, the number of berries will decrease or the crop will completely disappear.

Some time ago, powerful means were used to fight diseases, which, along with eliminating the symptoms of the disease, negatively affected the state of the plant itself. Now they use softer and sparing drugs and solutions.

For example, you can use:

  • 1% Bordeaux liquid;
  • infusion of ash;
  • 3% copper sulfate;
  • 5% ferrous sulfate;
  • special preparation "Topaz".

Before processing, you need to remove excess leaves from the bushes left over from the last season. Next, you need to gently loosen the topsoil and treat the plants with copper or iron sulfate. During the budding period, the currants should be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid, and after flowering and harvesting, with Bordeaux liquid in a weaker concentration.

Currant processing. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

How and how to treat bushes from pests

The currant is often attacked by the following insect pests: aphid, goldsweet, gall midge, kidney moth, kidney mite, moth, moth, sawfly, glass. There are many ways to protect bushes from all of these parasites. All of them are divided into chemical and folk, sometimes they are combined. Traditional methods should be used only with the initial signs of damage, in more advanced cases they are ineffective.

Advice. Experienced gardeners advise frequent inspection of the bushes in order to detect pests as early as possible, as well as to do the processing in advance.

Prevention is important for protecting currants from pests. For this, boiling water, soapy water, infusions of onion husks, garlic, tobacco or dandelion are actively used. The main thing is to do the treatment before the kidneys open.

If the initial stage of the lesion is missed, then the following means should be used:

  • 1% Bordeaux liquid;
  • colloidal sulfur solution;
  • special preparations "Karbofos", "Fufanon", "Actellik".

Important. All chemicals must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.

When performing work, care should be taken so as not to harm either the plant or yourself. First you need to carry out sanitary pruning and remove dried branches. The soil must be cultivated at a distance of 60 centimeters from the shoots. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in closed clothing so that the solution does not get on open skin areas.

It is important to regularly use folk remedies and not overdo it with chemicals, and you should also not neglect digging the soil under the bush. And as a result, currant bushes will certainly delight you with a bountiful harvest.

Do you know how and how to treat currants in the spring from diseases and pests?

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