Potatoes without the Colorado potato beetle, is it possible?

  • May 05, 2021

Many gardeners know how difficult it is to deal with such a scourge as the Colorado potato beetle. Yesterday, several larvae were noticed on the tops, today there are adults on each bush, tomorrow all the greens are eaten. Manual collection of insects is very laborious and ineffective. Chemical treatment is not always effective and sometimes hazardous to health. What to do? Genetic engineering came to the rescue, which created potato hybrids that are not susceptible to these parasites.

Potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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The essence of this modification is the creation of a gene that forms a specific protein that provokes resistance to disease and the Colorado potato beetle.

Disputes about the harmlessness of such hybrids have been going on since the appearance of the first genetically modified potato. One side claims that the protein is completely safe for humans and animals, the other that this synthesis can provoke infertility in subsequent generations. Nevertheless, hybrids have been created, and their use is the most effective method of fighting the Colorado potato beetle.

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In our country, four types of hybrids are registered and allowed for sale and use in food, two of domestic selection and two of foreign ones.


Lugovskoy 1210 AMK

Created on the basis of the popular mid-season variety - Lugovskoy. It has the same white flesh, oval, medium-sized tuber shape and yield up to 50 tons per hectare. Of the additional advantages, it is not susceptible to late blight, scab and cancer.

Elizabeth 2904/1 KGS

Mid-early hybrid, created in the mid-2000s, with white flesh and yellowish skin. With immunity to Colorado potato beetle infestation and no need for insect control, these potatoes are economically viable to grow.

Potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
The advantages of this variety are: medium-sized, smooth, pleasant to the touch fruits, high yield - up to 40 tons per hectare.

Foreign genetically modified potato hybrids

Russet Burbank Newleaf

Created by the American firm "Monsanto", engaged in developments in the field of genetic engineering.

An early type of potato with large tubers, brown skin and white flesh. It differs from domestic varieties in a higher sugar and starch content, which makes this hybrid ideal for making chips and French fries. It is economically beneficial for cultivation, gives a yield of up to half a ton from one hundred square meters.

Superior newleaf

Modified by the same company "Monsanto", yield - 600 kg per hundred square meters, has excellent taste.

From the domestic selection, the variety Nevsky Plus is also allowed for cultivation.

Whatever arguments the opponents of GM products may give, the development of new hybrids resistant to the defeat of the Colorado potato beetle and diseases is being carried out in many countries - the USA, Russia, Germany, Belarus.

Potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Although there are many doubts about the merits of GM potatoes, there are advantages over conventional varieties:

  • Resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Great productivity.
  • Excellent taste.
  • The cheapness of growing.
  • The property of a product that asparagine (an amino acid) does not convert to a carcinogen when exposed to high temperatures. This allows the use of hybrids for the production of French fries and chips.

In our country, great attention is paid to the development of GM products. On March 1, 2 orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia came into force concerning the methods of research on GM animals and microorganisms. On September 1, the start of the order is expected, which will affect GM plants.

To grow genetically modified potatoes on their own plot or not, everyone decides for themselves. Any conclusion must be carefully considered.

Do you plant potato varieties that are less susceptible to pests?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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