How to gloriously connect a profile to each other without using fasteners

  • May 12, 2021
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How to gloriously connect a profile to each other without using fasteners
How to gloriously connect a profile to each other without using fasteners

Often, when used in the repair or construction of drywall, it is also necessary to use a CD profile. Ready-made connectors can be purchased from the respective store. However, you can go the other way - make them yourself from the scraps of the same profile. Fortunately, the operation is not at all complicated and short-lived.

It is necessary to make such fasteners. / Photo:
It is necessary to make such fasteners. / Photo:

What you need: trimming the CD profile, chipboard (board, plywood) shovel handle, wood screws

So, to begin with, we prepare a piece of profile 15-30 cm long. It will need to be screwed to a board or any other wooden base using self-tapping screws. Next, you need to cut or unbend the stiffeners of the profile. This can be done using a grinder or ordinary pliers.

First you need to make such a machine. / Photo:

Now we need a shovel handle prepared in advance. We take profile scraps and make blanks for connectors from them. The length of each should be 10-15 cm. Next, we insert each of them in turn into the already assembled device so that the back wall looks out. After that, the workpiece is firmly pressed by the handle from the shovel.

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Further, with the help of a handle and a machine, fasteners are made. / Photo:

The connector is ready! It can now be inserted between two spliced ​​profile pieces. For greater reliability, the stiffeners should be pressed in several places along the edges. This is also done with pliers. By itself, such a profile will never disconnect.

How to gloriously connect a profile to each other without using fasteners

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Now the profile will not disconnect by itself. / Photo: ..

Continuing the topic, read about 3 crafts from plastic cans, which will definitely come in handy on the farm.
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How to gloriously connect a profile to each other without using fasteners