How to grow onions from seeds: a simple and proven way

  • May 12, 2021
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In the second half of March, summer residents rush to the market or to the shops for gardeners in the hope of buying small onions in order to get a harvest of onions in the summer. It is not always possible to find high-quality planting material, and it is not cheap. That is why it makes sense to learn how to grow a crop from seeds, because it is not difficult at all if you follow certain rules.

Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Seed preparation

The onion seeds must be the same size, dry, black and shiny, free from moldy odor and any impurities. Their shell is very hard and dense, therefore, for faster germination, it is advisable to soak them before sowing into the ground.

The seeds are wrapped in a cloth and moistened periodically. The main thing is that the content does not dry out. When some of them hatch, you can start working. It will not be superfluous to check the seeds for germination if there are doubts about their shelf life.

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For this purpose, as an experiment, germinate a number of onion seeds. When germinating, less than half of the volume, more fresh material is taken, but, as an option, you can sow the onion thicker.

Soil requirements

The optimal precursors for onions are zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes. You should not place the beds where this culture already grew last year, otherwise there is a risk of catching the diseases of the previous generation. The crop can be destroyed by an onion fly.

The place is chosen well lit and ventilated. A week before sowing in the dug up land at the rate of 1 sq. m bring half a bucket of manure, which is quail, or compost and 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska.

Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

If the soil is heavy and clayey, you will need an additional bucket of sand and rotted sawdust. Too high acidity of the soil will be reduced by ash and dolomite flour by half a glass of each component per 1 sq. m.

Landing procedure

Usually the onion is sown at the end of April, but it all depends on the region. The main thing is that the temperature reaches 18 degrees during the day. The grooves are made about 3 cm deep, but no more, at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

Before laying the seeds, the furrows are shed with water. The seeds are carefully placed at intervals of 2 cm, and not sprinkled like dill or carrots, otherwise the seedlings will be uneven.

Sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of soil or peat. It is advisable to mulch the bed and water it additionally if the seeds were not germinated the day before. In the latter case, seedlings should be expected no earlier than 10 days later. Real leaves are formed only after a month.

Care during the growing season

The onion stalks from the seeds are very thin and are covered if there is a danger of frost. You will also have to constantly remove weeds, which quickly "choke" the young growth. Seedlings are watered every 3-4 days, preventing a dense crust from forming.

After the appearance of true leaves, thinning is performed. A distance of 3-4 cm is left between the bulbs. With an interval of 10 days, the culture is first fed with urea (1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water), and then half a teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Never water the fertilizer over the leaves! There is a risk of burning them. Water the grooves.

Harvesting and storage

Bulbs are usually ready for harvest in mid-July. During this period, the leaves turn yellow and wither, and there is no need to water them in order to "revive". In dry weather, pull the plants out of the ground and leave to lie on the surface of the garden bed for 3 days.

Then the crop should be dried on the veranda or attic for another week, and then sorted, put into nets and taken to a cool, always dry place. This could be a barn or a pantry.

Do you know how to grow onions from seeds?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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