How to get rid of ants in the garden forever: folk remedies

  • Dec 13, 2020

Many owners of summer cottages are quite negative about the appearance of various insects in the beds and flower beds and believe that getting rid of ants in the garden is necessary. Before you start solving the problem, you should know if these individuals are only doing harm.

Ants do more harm than good. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Ants do more harm than good. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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The benefits and harms of ants on the site

Of course, if the ants in the beds were only beneficial, summer residents would not have to learn about folk methods of getting rid of them. There are not so many advantages of the vital activity of these insects on the site, mainly it is loosening of the soil, which facilitates the access of oxygen to the roots of garden plants. In addition, these individuals can destroy caterpillars and other pests and pollinate plants.

Nevertheless, the harm from insects is much greater:

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  • These lovers of sweet nectar, trying to get it, often damage the flowers of garden crops.
  • Engaged in the construction of their underground labyrinths, ants loosen the ground, but very often they cause quite severe damage to the roots of seedlings.
  • If insects have chosen the trunk of a plant for their home, then soon there will be nothing left of it but dust.
  • Ants are very fond of young sprouts and newly planted seedlings, which can lead to their death. And if the ants get to the seeds, chances are they won't sprout.
  • It is very offensive when insects choose beds with strawberries, and ripe berries, which everyone is looking forward to, especially children, turn out to be spoiled.

That is why summer residents select folk remedies to combat garden pests, because, unlike chemicals, they are safe for plants.

These lovers of sweet nectar, trying to get it, often damage the flowers of garden crops. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Folk remedies for struggle

The most effective and affordable option for getting rid of ants forever is the most common soap solution. It is very simple to prepare it. Pour 10 liters of water into a bucket, add 100 ml of liquid soap and mix thoroughly.

Then pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the plants with it. When processing, attention should be paid not only to the outer, but also to the back of the leaves. Instead of a spray bottle, you can use a paint brush to lubricate the trunks and leaves of garden crops. Plants should be processed late in the evening, then a film will form on them at night.

Usually, aphids are placed under the leaves - a source of food for ants, and a thin film of soapy water prevents this pest from breathing and developing. Therefore, insects, as soon as this food source disappears, will leave the summer cottage.

Individuals do not like pungent odors. You can take onion or garlic, chop finely and add water. Insist such a solution for a week under a lid, then dilute it in half with water and spray the beds. After that, the ants are guaranteed to leave the territory.

Such control methods are not only effective, but also safe for the future harvest.

Do you know how to get rid of ants in the garden using folk remedies?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about the ways to fight ants in the following article:The most effective way to deal with ants on the site