How to care for watermelons and melons?

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Central Russia differs brief summer, which also can be cool and rain. Often in this climate melon plants do not have time to bear fruit. The situation can change if you stick gardeners advice. Proper care of watermelons and melons provides a rich and sweet harvest.

Growing watermelons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing watermelons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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The first trick for growing melons in the middle band is a double cover. Seeds are sown in early May, not at the end of the month, as recommended by the manufacturers of seed. So the fruit will be a better chance of ripening. First solar selected protected from drafts and place under a bed. Then dug up the soil and remove all weeds. To make planting shallow pits, enough 3-4 cm. The distance between the plants should be large. For watermelons require leave of 1.5-2 m between holes. For melons optimal interval is considered to be 1-1.2 m.

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Each hole is lowered by 3-4 seeds, lightly covered with soil and prepare a shelter. In the first half of May, more often occur at night frosts. Shelter helps preserve young plants and accelerate the process of their development.

First, wells were covered with plastic bottles of 1.5 liter with a cut-off bottom. Through narrow neck watering crops. The recommended water temperature - 40 +... + 50 ° C. Top cover packaging containers 5 l of a transparent plastic. This design provides optimal temperature conditions for the emergence of seeds and their further growth.

Once the sprouts will be the first real leaf, cover is removed and thinned stands. In each well is left in one the strongest plant. Only 5 L bottle top cover germ. Shoot it in the second half of June. Watering produce through the neck.

Care of seedlings watermelons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Care of seedlings watermelons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The second trick is in a sunny location. Around beds with melons should be no trees or shrubs. Ground pick light, sandy for plantations. If the ground is hard enough to improve the situation will help making compost, ash and river sand.

When the fruits begin to ripen, it is necessary to provide them with shelter. At this time the bright rays of the sun could damage the future harvest. To protect them from the use of burdock leaves or old newspapers, to throw the green fruit.

A common problem faced by growers, - the spread of putrefaction in a cool and rainy summer. To avoid this, at each ovary is necessary to enclose a board. Fruits should not be in contact with moist soil. To prevent rotting of the stem at the root collar enough to pour a few centimeters of sand.

In melons and watermelons root system is arranged in such a way that grows in depth. In the hot southern climates, the plants receive the necessary moisture. In the middle zone the water table is close enough so strong recess root system leads to its decay.
Growing melons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing melons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

When growing melons important to provoke proliferation of roots wide and not deep. Therefore, watering should be carried out in the aisle. Moisten the soil should be only in very hot weather. The following day, after watering is recommended to carefully loosen the soil and cover with mulch to prevent the formation of a dense ground cover.

In the cool summer all of the ovary will not have time to grow and ripen, so pruning is carried whips. In watermelons leave only the central stem, t. To. It formed the ovary. And it cut melons, giving lateral branches grow.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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