How to rejuvenate a violet so that the flower will again please with its appearance and lush flowering

  • Dec 15, 2020

The violet can be called a truly folk flower. It is unlikely that you will find an experienced grower who has not looked after this plant at least once in his life. The main advantage of violets is their neat miniature appearance and long flowering. It is not uncommon for plant breeders to collect entire collections of various species and types of this plant.

Despite all its positive aspects, violets lose their elegance and decorativeness over time. The reason for this is aging. This natural process strips the trunk of the plant, causing it to look like a small stump with leaves. Rejuvenation will help to correct the situation. With the proper desire, every amateur florist can master this process.

How to rejuvenate a violet

The whole rejuvenation process consists of several simple steps. You don't need any special tools. You can find everything you need in your home.

1. Cut and clean the trunk of the violet

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The first step is to cut off the stem of the violet at a distance of two centimeters from the lower leaves. This should be done with a clerical knife or razor blade, which have been treated with alcohol in advance. During the procedure, the plant must be held by the trunk so as not to damage the leaves.

If necessary, the lower leaves that break the symmetry can be removed. The remaining trunk should be peeled off until light green tissue appears.

2. We put the violet in the water


After the trunk is cleared of coarse tissues, the violet must be placed in a glass with chilled boiled water. The location of the flower should be such that the liquid does not reach the lower leaves. A plastic bottle neck can be used as an aid. To do this, place the funnel in a container with water, and then carefully place a flower in it.

3. We plant a violet


After the violet has formed a sufficient number of roots, it must be transplanted into a loose nutrient substrate. The plant should be planted on a hill so that after the soil has settled, a depression does not appear around the violet.

When planting, the soil should reach the level of the lower leaves. You don't need to bury the flower too deeply. After the procedure, the violet is watered and placed in greenhouse conditions. In the apartment, they will be helped to create a plastic bag neatly put on the plant. Keep a flower in such a "greenhouse" should be no more than two weeks. After all the manipulations done, the flower will look neat and well-groomed again.

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