Why do western helicopters use runners, while domestic

  • Jun 02, 2021
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There are helicopters on both wheeled and skid-mounted chassis. We observe the former mainly on Russian cars, and the latter on Western ones. Both options have certain advantages, and each country has its own reasons for creating exactly the models that it produces.

The runners are lightweight, are cheaper, can withstand a hard landing / Photo: vestikavkaza.ru
The runners are lightweight, are cheaper, can withstand a hard landing / Photo: vestikavkaza.ru
The runners are lightweight, are cheaper, can withstand a hard landing / Photo: vestikavkaza.ru

Runners have a number of advantages. First of all, they weigh less, are cheaper, require almost no maintenance and in some situations are able to withstand a fairly rough landing, distributing the weight of the machine evenly across the entire width of the runners.

The advantage of wheeled landing gear is the helicopter's ability to take off from a run / Photo: vestikavkaza.ru
The advantage of wheeled landing gear is the helicopter's ability to take off from a run / Photo: vestikavkaza.ru

As for helicopters made in Russia, almost all of them have wheels. In the case of a wheeled chassis, the main advantage is that the vehicle can take off from a run. At this time, an additional lifting force is formed, and the load on the engine with the propeller is significantly reduced.

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A helicopter with wheeled landing gear, unlike a machine on skids, can descend at a horizontal speed / Photo: ru.krymr.com
A helicopter with wheeled landing gear, unlike a machine on skids, can descend at a horizontal speed / Photo: ru.krymr.com

Landing a vehicle equipped with a wheeled chassis is also somewhat easier. In this case, you can descend at a horizontal speed, without fear that the helicopter will skid and it will become uncontrollable, unlike machines on skids. In the second case, this happens due to the fact that today there are no brakes for these "skis".

In the USA, special platforms are equipped for helicopters with runners / Photo: nastroy.net
In the USA, special platforms are equipped for helicopters with runners / Photo: nastroy.net

In addition, the wheels make it possible for this air transport to independently get to the parking lot at the airport.

In America, starting in the fifties, helicopters began to be mass-produced. In this regard, we have created the appropriate infrastructure, namely, special helipads.

The need to move the helicopter along the runway of the airfield does not allow the Russian equipment to be transferred to runners / Photo: productcenter.ru
The need to move the helicopter along the runway of the airfield does not allow the Russian equipment to be transferred to runners / Photo: productcenter.ru

As for the Soviet Union, traditionally, the helicopters were based on conventional airfields. Accordingly, they should have been able to move on their own.

Lightweight versions of helicopters on skids are used as an air taxi / Photo: fb.ru
Lightweight versions of helicopters on skids are used as an air taxi / Photo: fb.ru

There are a lot of light helicopters in the USA for which runners are optimal. Even in small towns they are used as air taxis. They are also involved in the fire and police services, in the ambulance, in the work of the media.

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However, all American heavy helicopters are made on the basis of a wheeled chassis / Photo: warfiles.ru
However, all American heavy helicopters are made on the basis of a wheeled chassis / Photo: warfiles.ru

In the USSR, and then in the Russian Federation, the main customer of these machines is the state, and it needs lifting equipment based on a wheeled chassis. By the way, in the United States, all heavy vehicles, without exception, are based on a wheeled chassis.

Continuing the topic, read about
Homer: the world's most lifting helicopter and a triumph for Soviet engineering.
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