Today, the MTs-20 rifle is a fairly well-known type of weapon in “interested in the issue” circles. However, most citizens absolutely do not understand why the Soviet weapons designers from the Tula Arms Plant, having a rich history of working with rifled weapons behind him, he suddenly needed to make a smoothbore rifle in the 1970s years. Moreover, with a "smooth bolt".
In fact, the Soviet Union and, in particular, the Tula Arms Plant had a wealth of experience working not only with a "smooth bolt" - a bolt action for a carbine, but more importantly, the country's industry had a very rich experience in converting army weapons into civilian commercial weapons - hunting. What are all these "Berdanks" and "Frolovki" worth. After the appearance of the AK, Mosin's rifles were altered for a long time for commercial weapons. But the MTs-20 smoothbore gun became an original development, and not some kind of alteration.
Weapons were developed in several versions by 1979 and were intended for domestic hunters. Moreover, the development of the MC began back in 1962. For more than 10 years, designers from Tula have experimented with different layout options and materials. There was even a model MC-20 with a plastic receiver and a plastic stock. However, this idea was abandoned after the first tests, the design turned out to be too unreliable.
As a result, the system of designer Yu. AND. Berezina MTs-20-01, as well as the factory sawn-off shotgun of this gun under the designation TOZ-106. Both fishing tools turned out to be very reliable. Shotguns were excellent. The box magazines for the rifle for 4-6 rounds looked especially good, which increased the ease of use and increased the rate of fire, despite the presence of a manual sliding bolt. As the main ammunition, the MC-20 used 20/70 mm cartridges. The hunting rifle was produced until 2006. However, it is still found on the market.
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If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about TKB-059: how in the Soviet Union they tried to make a machine gun with three barrels.
A source:
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