And they don't go to the toilet: how bear hibernation works

  • Jul 31, 2021
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Since childhood, everyone knows very well that bears hibernate in winter. However, not everyone has even the slightest idea of ​​how this process works from the point of view of biology. It can be quite difficult for an ordinary person to imagine that such a big creature is a clubfoot bear, capable of lying at rest for several months, without moving or even running in the "night toilet". So how does animal hibernation work?

The bear cannot just fall asleep for the winter. / Photo:
The bear cannot just fall asleep for the winter. / Photo:
The bear cannot just fall asleep for the winter. / Photo:

Before the animal hibernates, it should prepare itself, namely, gain excess weight. The bear begins to feed itself, literally like a man feeds a pig. During the season, the clubfoot needs to gain at least 15 cm of fat. To do this, the bear should eat 20,000 Kcal per day! In addition to white (normal) fat, bears have another layer. It is called "gray fat" and differs in that it is primarily dominated by unsaturated acids. The bear needs fat in order to survive without food for a long period of time.

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First you need to gain weight. / Photo:
First you need to gain weight. / Photo:

In preparation for hibernation, changes occur in the bear's body. The substance tocopherol accumulates in the fat and liver, which seriously inhibits the metabolic process. In the bear's brain, the production of serotonin is accelerated, which greatly constricts the vessels of the animal, as a result of which the production of heat deteriorates and the work of the nervous system slows down. After the bear lays down in the den, the oxygen content naturally decreases and the carbon dioxide content increases. It also promotes the "falling asleep" process.

Clubfoot has to eat a lot. / Photo:
Clubfoot has to eat a lot. / Photo:

The main thing should be understood: bear hibernation is not a state of suspended animation, but a state of numbness of the body - hypobiosis. It happens by itself as a result of a continuing drop in body temperature and an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the blood. As a result, the rhythm of heartbeat and breathing falls, all muscles relax, after which a slight numbness sets in. As a result, the efficiency of all bear organs is reduced. The overall metabolic rate drops by 50-70%, and the body temperature can drop to 2-7 degrees Celsius.

Then you need to find a den. / Photo:
Then you need to find a den. / Photo:

A bear immersed in a state of hibernation does not need food, since its body consumes only the energy necessary to maintain the vitality of tissues. Accordingly, the fat accumulated over the summer is gradually burned off. Since the bear stays on a "fat ration" all winter, its body does not produce waste products. In other words, the bear does not need to relieve himself. The body is also kept hydrated by burning fat.

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It is better not to disturb the bear in winter. / Photo:
It is better not to disturb the bear in winter. / Photo:

During hibernation, animals lose up to a quarter of their body weight. Not only bears, but also badgers, raccoons, raccoon dogs, hedgehogs, marmots, ground squirrels, some lizards and snakes, as well as bats and many others fall into a state of hypobiosis!

Continuing the topic, read about
how to behave correctlyif you meet a wild boar on the forest path.


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