The service life of houses on screw piles does not exceed 15 years. And in most cases

  • Dec 10, 2020

Nowadays, developers are trying to popularize country houses built on screw piles. However, in practice, such structures have repeatedly proved their unreliability and fragility. The only advantage of screw piles is their low cost. But over the years they rust, as a result, in five years, you will have to rebuild the entire foundation.

The beginning of corrosion of the screw pile in the ground
The beginning of corrosion of the screw pile in the ground

Not surprisingly, developers are trying to circumvent existing building codes. It is in their interests to reduce the cost of building country houses, and they think about the quality and reliability of the building last. Personally, I have not seen a single low-rise building, built on screw piles, that could stand for more than 15 years.

I will assume that such houses do not exist in nature. Screw piles lose their original appearance and quality rather quickly. After a few years, they need to be changed, and it would be better to opt for bored piles. Of course, this option is also not ideal, and the house is unlikely to last more than 15 years, but this is a topic for another article. In the meantime, "back to our rams."

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Screw piles have a lot of disadvantages, which I would like to dwell on in more detail. The biggest and main disadvantage, I think, is the use of low-quality metal in the production of cheap piles. In a short time, the steel is “eaten away” by corrosion, both water and electrochemical. Protective equipment will help to slightly extend the life of the screw piles, but this will not solve the problem.

As a rule, various agents show their properties when used in the air. Piles are twisted deep into the ground, so the protection is simply erased from them. It turns out that the effects of corrosion cannot be avoided!

Another option is to make screw piles of better quality metal, which will not rust over time. The use of piles of this type is widespread throughout the world. There are thousands of all kinds of structures on them. Some buildings stand right on the water. We are talking about bridges and lighthouses. No other types of piles are suitable for them, except for screw piles, which can be screwed into the river or seabed.

Modern private developers rarely use high-quality piles, because their cost "bites". It is more profitable to erect a building on a foundation made of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. Unfortunately, many developers are guided by the wrong logic. They believe that screw piles are capable of withstanding lightweight framing structures.

I want to note that they can withstand it, but the corrosion of the metal will not go anywhere. The new piles, free from rust, are up to the task. However, corrosion over time destroys the piles themselves and, accordingly, the building that stands on them.

That's the whole point of the problem! Developers looking to save money use cheap piles. Corrosion begins - the house gradually collapses and collapses. I think everything is clear here and there is no need to further understand the problem.

If there is at least one brave developer who will show me a house on cheap screw piles that has stood for at least 15 years, I am ready to take my words back. But so far I have not seen any refutations to my arguments!

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