Why pepper and eggplant leaves turn yellow: ways to combat this phenomenon

  • Jul 31, 2021
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The yellowing, curling and falling of leaves from bushes of eggplants, peppers and many other vegetable crops can be caused by various reasons or a combination of them. These are temperature changes, and a lack of moisture and useful elements in the soil, and simply the lack of proper plant care.

Pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Eggplant and pepper bushes with yellowed foliage look dull. The most interesting thing is that sometimes they turn yellow in just a few days. To prevent this sad phenomenon, one should be aware of its causes.

What makes the leaves turn yellow

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • Insufficient soil moisture. Peppers and eggplants are moisture-loving crops that need abundant watering. In dry weather, they must be watered daily.
  • Waterlogged soil.
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    An excess of moisture caused by too frequent watering or prolonged rains, these plants also do not like. At low daytime temperatures and low nighttime roots in waterlogged soil begin to rot, which is the reason for the discoloration of the leaves.
  • Nitrogen deficiency. If the plant lacks it, it weakens and loses its healthy appearance.
  • Lack of microand macronutrients. These are potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and a number of other elements, the lack of which in the soil provokes complete or partial yellowing of the foliage.
  • Adverse effects of toxins. If the necessary rules for crop rotation are not followed, young eggplant and pepper bushes will be exposed to harmful substances remaining in the soil from predecessor plants. This can lead not only to discoloration (yellowing) of seedlings, but also to their death.
  • Influence of diseases and attacks of insect pests. The main danger for eggplants and peppers is viral mosaic, spotting, late blight, and spider mites.
  • Interlacing of shoots of the root system. Dense, overly dense plantings of seedlings as the plants grow will cause competition between them. As a result, the weakest of them may die.
Pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Why do the leaves turn yellow in plants grown in greenhouses?

It would seem that in greenhouse conditions, plants are maximally protected from the effects of adverse factors. However, yellowing of the leaves on the bushes of eggplants and peppers grown in greenhouses and greenhouses is quite common. In such cases, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Humidity of the environment. Peppers and eggplants are moisture-loving plants. It is desirable to maintain the humidity in the greenhouse at the level of 65-75%.
  • Saturation of the soil with useful elements. Yellowing of the leaves of eggplants and peppers is an indicator of their deficiency.
  • Temperature. It seems that greenhouse plants are protected from temperature extremes. However, if you ventilate the greenhouse too often or if you forgot to close the door at night, it may its chilling occurs, as a result of which the fragile leaves of peppers and eggplants lose their green pigmentation.
  • Diseases. Most often, plants in greenhouses are affected by diseases such as fusarium, black leg, gray rot and septoria, late blight and a number of other dangerous diseases. A change in the color of their leaves will indicate the defeat of plants by these diseases.
  • Parasites. Plants grown in greenhouses are attacked by various pests in the same way as those planted in an open bed. The list of insect pests is traditional: nematodes and thrips, slugs and aphids, bear.

Yellowing of pepper leaves outdoors

It can be the result of both insufficient lighting and its excess, since direct sunlight accelerates the decomposition of chlorophyll, which is why the leaves turn yellow. Also, this process can be caused by a lack of nutrients in the soil. A temporary yellowing of the seedling leaves can occur as a result of the stress caused by the transplant.

With proper care of the planted plants, their leaves will soon acquire their usual green color.

Yellowing of seedling leaves

It may indicate a lack of macronutrients (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen). But there may be other reasons:

  • Poor root development. With overly dense planting of bushes as they grow, the roots are intertwined, which interferes with the normal process of plant nutrition and can lead to their death.
  • Temperature differences. Even a drop in temperature for a short time can cause yellowing of the leaves and lead to their dropping. Seedling material must be kept in a warm room, free of drafts. The temperature must not be allowed to drop below 12 ° C.
  • Insufficient soil moisture. You need to water the seedlings quite often (once every 5 days). At the same time, one must try to prevent overflow.
  • Lack of nitrogen. It can be called the most valuable element for plant development. Its insufficiency is immediately reflected in them. If the leaves begin to turn yellow from below, then it's time to take care of the nitrogen-containing top dressing.
  • Root damage. This happens in the course of careless loosening of the soil or careless plant transplantation. As new root shoots grow, the plant usually recovers.

What measures should be taken when the leaves turn yellow

  1. Water more often. Especially in dry weather with a long absence of rain.
  2. Reduce watering frequency. Frequent watering can cause waterlogging of the soil and, as a result, lead to yellowing of foliage on crops. In this case, it is best to return to the standard watering rate.
  3. Take care of feeding. It can be both mineral fertilizers and organic matter. They are introduced into the soil so that it is evenly saturated with them.
  4. Maintain a temperature favorable for eggplants and peppers. On average, it should vary during the day in the range of 24-25 degrees, and at night it should be at least 16 ° C. Hardening of seedlings of these crops is carried out at a temperature of 14 to 16 degrees.
  5. Protect seedlings from direct sunlight. To prevent the sun from burning out the chlorophyll and the leaves retain their natural green color, the windows of the room with the seedlings are tightly curtained, shutters are closed, and in addition they can be sealed with newspapers.

The lower leaves on the bushes turn yellow. What should I do?

In cases where the yellowing of the leaves of peppers and eggplants begins from the bottom, the reason is most likely a disruption in the functioning of their root systems. This may be insufficient soil moisture, and a lack of nutrients. In such cases, it is recommended:

Eggplant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Eggplant. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
  1. Apply fertilizer to the soil. Active growth of seedlings can lead to a lack of nutrients, so the plant begins to "devour" itself, feeding on the leaves growing in the lower part. As a result, these leaves brighten, then turn yellow and eventually fall off. Plants can be saved by urgently applying any complex fertilizer to the soil.
  2. Place containers with seedlings in a warm place. Lowering the temperature of the soil and air provokes yellowing of the leaves, therefore, special attention should be paid to the temperature regime when growing seedlings.
  3. Protect seedlings from sunlight and ventilate the room more often.

Plant leaves curl. What should I do?

Leaf curling can occur for three main reasons: lack of nutrients, exposure to insect pests, and cases of uneven leaf growth. To rectify the situation, it is recommended:

  1. Place the seedling box in a sunny place. This method is effective if the leaves are curled due to accelerated uneven growth. The main vein of the leaf is stretched out before the leaf blade has time to form, which is why it is deformed. Usually, once exposed to the sun, the plant quickly regains its normal proportions.
  2. Carry out a complex feeding. As a fertilizer, you can use wood ash, scattering it under each bush in a layer about 3 mm thick, after which the plants should be watered abundantly. You can also use a potassium nitrate solution for feeding.
  3. Spray seedlings with a special composition against pests. Leaves can curl from the presence of aphid larvae or mites in the soil. Against them, you can use onion tincture or a solution of potassium permanganate, with which the soil is spilled.
Evaluating various nutritional options to help return the leaves of these plants to their normal green color, we can conclude that the most effective means are potash and nitrogen fertilizers.

Only by taking the necessary measures in a timely manner to combat yellowing of the leaves of eggplants and peppers will it be possible to grow healthy seedlings and then get a rich harvest.

Do you know why the leaves of pepper and eggplant turn yellow?

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