Too late: at what distance the radar begins to fix the speed of the car

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Radar on the road vigilantly monitors.
Radar on the road vigilantly monitors.

Radars to control speeding on local roads is becoming more. With each passing year they become more and more sophisticated and powerful. That is why it would be nice to know at what distance the radar is able to detect all or begin to determine the speed of a moving car.

When the brake is too late?
When the brake is too late?

Police officers with hand-held radar for quite some time in the past. Today, the road transport service used by law enforcement agencies, stationary, more subtle complexes all speed recording. Most often they are set on masts above the road or somewhere in an inconspicuous place on the sidelines. In such circumstances, it is appropriate to ask about the distance at which the equipment is capable of this sort of general "catch" the car.

The speed should slow down gradually.
The speed should slow down gradually.

The vast majority of probes registration rate on the Russian roads radar type. They "beat" on the cars, the excitation pulse, and receive in return the reflected signal. Based on these data apparatus calculates the vehicle speed. Wireless range of each radar depends on its design features and power.

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No sudden movements, but in general it is better not to break.
No sudden movements, but in general it is better not to break.

Today, on the national road systems are the most common "Chris" and "Arena". They are both portable and stationary. They shine distance is 100 meters in front of him. Thus the driver at a speed of 90 km / h, will be 3-4 seconds to reset the speed to travel past the radar. There is also a radar "Cordon" and "Merlin", they are less common in Russia, but "beat" with 150 meters. It should also be borne in mind that some of the radar "is tricky," put in the back flow of marching. Finally, there is equipment, "Arrow", which shines through 250 meters of the road.

Radar sounding far enough.
Radar sounding far enough.

Having learned about the radar, to brake sharply or should never, not to create an emergency situation on the road and not to lose control of the vehicle. The speed should slow down gradually. It goes all this is true, for those drivers who drive slowly and not flying at a speed much higher than the allowed threshold. So it is best not to break the speed limit, in principle, and everything will be fine.

There are many kinds of such equipment.
There are many kinds of such equipment.

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