Unsuccessful attempt to make the Naveka V-125 fan silent

  • Jul 31, 2021

Having been flattered by the proprietary German wheel motor Ebmpapst, I became interested in the duct fan with the original name Naveka. It turned out that it is not at all suitable for home ventilation.

Naveka V-125 is an industrial duct fan for 125 mm round duct. With a power of 52 W, it gives up to 500 m³ per hour. Installed motor-wheel Ebmpapst R2E190-RA26-47. This fan costs about 4000 rubles.

At the mains voltage, the fan is very noisy (the instructions say 47 dBa, but it is not written at what distance).

With the help of a triac dimmer, the speed is poorly regulated and the motor hums a lot.

When the voltage is reduced with the help of LATR, the motor slows down, but with noise, everything is not very good. The motor itself is not audible, but the noise of the air is audible very strongly, perhaps it is amplified by the plastic case.

I measured the air flows and calculated its flow at different voltages without filter and with filter (used cabin filter for Nissan Murano and Teana, size 270x277 mm). The impeller of the anemometer is fixed at a distance of 5 cm from the outlet of the fan pipe.

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At a voltage of 110 volts, the fan still makes a very noticeable noise, and gives only 40 cubic meters per hour with a filter. This is definitely not enough for two people in the room, and even for one it may not be enough.

The fan is almost inaudible at a voltage of 60 volts, but in this case there is almost no sense from it.

Smaller and cheaper Vents TT 125 (https://ammo1.livejournal.com/1254022.html) turned out to be much more suitable for home use, although it does not have such a cool motor.

© 2021, Alexey Nadezhin

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