Features of growing dill, so as not to get a bunch of umbrellas

  • Jul 31, 2021

Dill, planted in the spring or fall, turns out to be especially lush and suitable for eating. Dill planted in summer is suitable for growing umbrellas and is ideal for use in marinades and home remedies.

Dill. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Dill. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Dill. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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A method of growing dill without umbrellas

If you need dill without large umbrellas, then when planting greenery, you need to observe some conditions:

  1. The earth must completely thaw, and the ambient temperature must not drop below +2 degrees. To increase the chances of a successful planting, the soil can be watered a week before sowing with hot water.
  2. The best time for sowing will be the following period: from mid-March to mid-May.
  3. Early dill should be planted as early as possible in the spring, otherwise late planting will lead to unwanted umbrellas.
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  5. The soil should have neutral acidity, as in acidic soil, dill can turn red, and alkaline soil can turn yellow.
  6. The planting site should be sunny, as the plant loses its green color when there is a lack of sunlight.
  7. The sowing site must be fed with manure in advance.
  8. The best location for dill beds will be from north to south. This will provide uniform illumination and heating of the plants.
  9. The dill must be protected from the wind by planting other vegetable or flower crops around it.
  10. Dill grows well under daylight conditions no more than 14 hours, if the daytime lengthens, then there is a high probability of getting umbrellas.
  11. Dill should not be planted in a place where the ground is constantly wet.
  12. Before planting dill, its seeds must be kept for 2 days in a gauze bag soaked in hot water. Then the seeds are removed from the water, covered with a damp gauze cloth and germinated for 4 days. This procedure accelerates the rate of germination of plants.
  13. Dill seeds should be planted not too deeply and very often, without observing any distance between the seeds. This will help ensure that the greens bloom slowly.
  1. A distance of about 20 cm can be maintained between the rows of seeds for good and free development of their roots.
  2. Seeds after planting require moderate watering.
In addition, there is another way to plant dill: the moist soil is loosened, the seeds are spread over the ground and then buried.
Dill. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Dill. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Care features

As a rule, dill is characterized by high growth rates. If you give preference to bush varieties, then the greens on them will appear a week later. If you have planted regular dill varieties, you can lengthen the so-called "bush" period by removing flowers and trimming the stems from the side.

Fertilization features

During development, dill, planted in spring, practically does not need any additional feeding. If the sowing site has not been fed in advance, then with poor plant development, a little fertilizer can be applied.

Watering features

The top layer of the earth must be constantly moist, otherwise the greenery will begin to form umbrellas. Plants need to be watered about 2 times a week.

Loosening features

It is necessary to loosen the soil after each watering. You also need to remember about weeding the sowing site, as this will improve the oxygenation of both the soil and plant roots. If necessary, the dill can be thinned out, otherwise it risks turning yellow and wilting. If you need to cut dill, then you should do it in the early morning, when the plant is at its most luxuriant state. In addition, the cutting procedure can be carried out several times, this will not affect the rate of development of the dill in any way.

Do you know how to properly care for dill?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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