The Soviet trophy service played a great role for the national economy during the Second World War. Thanks to the efforts of the trophy teams, a huge amount of additional resources were obtained, which went to the good of the Motherland. Moreover, the trophy service went through a real evolution during the war years. Having started with small detachments formed from the fighters of line units at the beginning of the war, the trophy service turned into a huge and thoughtful department by the end of the conflict. What did these employees do with the trophies they received?
It is impossible to underestimate the importance of trophy service during the Great Patriotic War, because it allowed the Soviet national economy to receive a representative amount of additional resources. The army also did not remain deprived, many items of weapons, equipment and equipment passed into its possession. It is important to understand that the trophy team working on the field after the battle is not just "legalized marauders" working for the benefit of the home economy. These are people involved in cleaning the area from dangerous objects, including trophy teams specialized in collecting explosives.
The trophy teams of the USSR had several tasks. For the most part, they coincide with the tasks that were set before similar army departments in other states that participated in the military conflict. During the war, a number of documents were adopted that systematized the work of teams, giving them the necessary powers and responsibilities.
The primary task of the "trophies" is the collection of weapons, explosives, ammunition, damaged and abandoned equipment, as well as the collection of scrap metal (fragments of destroyed equipment and weapons). The trophy teams were also engaged in cleaning, repairing and equipping for the speedy use of transport hubs damaged during the hostilities: train stations, stations, ports, etc. In addition, trophy teams were regularly sent to support the national economy on the newly liberated territories. They provided assistance to the population, restored the work of state institutions of primary importance, including hospitals and schools. The same teams were engaged in the collection and protection of historical values.
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The collected weapons were sorted by trophy teams and sent to the rear to the warehouses. A representative part of the ammunition was also sent there. Metal - for melting. Fuel and medicines - to the rear. Part of the ammunition and weapons was distributed among the units of the Red Army, and also transferred to support the partisan formations in the rear of the enemy. The captured vehicles were distributed to meet the needs of the army and the national economy. Shoes and clothing were often handed over to the soldiers and the population.
Continuing the topic, it is worth reading about where did the millions of PPShs go in warehouses, after the AK was adopted.
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