How to save an unsuccessful flower garden: 10 secrets

  • Aug 04, 2021
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A rare amateur gardener owns at least the basics of landscape design, so the arrangement of a flower bed may end in failure. The reason for this, as a rule, is the wrong layout and ill-considered planting. Here are ten ways to fix mistakes.

Flower garden. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Flower garden. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Flower garden. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Redevelopment and adjustment of the form

When changing the shape of the flower garden, you need to focus on neighboring objects: the outline of the flower bed located at the path should be elongated and repeat its bends.

The flowerbeds located next to each other are always symmetrically arranged and made in the same shape. If the flowers are planted in the middle of the lawn, the flower bed can be given an irregular shape (wavy lines, arcs, crescents, etc.).

For reference: if the plants have violated the established boundaries, it is enough to dig the area allotted for them around the perimeter, thereby expanding the boundaries.
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Fencing for flower beds

A small fence will also help form the boundaries. The material for its manufacture, as a rule, is selected in combination with the decoration of the facade of the house. But any materials suitable in appearance and cost will do. Artificial and natural stones, wood, plastic, curb tape are used.


If the front garden turned out to be inconspicuous, you can draw attention to it with the help of a massive or bright object. It can be a roughly hewn or, conversely, a smooth stone of impressive size. Such a decorative solution is suitable for decorating a plot in the Japanese style.

Flowers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Flowers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Changing the location of plantings

Not all gardeners pay attention to the obvious rule: large and tall plants should be placed in the center of the flower bed, and undersized ones - along its edges. This allows all flowers to be visible. If this arrangement leads to shading of some flowers by others, then it is better to transplant some of them to another place.

Harmonious color combination

Amateur gardeners often plant all the types of flowers they like within one front garden, which makes its appearance too bright and variegated.

To begin with, experts advise learning how to create monochrome compositions, gradually increasing the number of shades and experimenting with their combination, but you cannot use more than 3-5 shades.

Combination with the general style of the site

Low flower beds and lawns will look beneficial near large buildings. The center of the composition design can be a gazebo or a small pond. A small house, on the contrary, will be decorated with curly vegetation. It is recommended to decorate such a site with climbing roses located on a wooden pergola.

Timely care

Constant monitoring of the state of the flower bed allows you to keep it in its original form. Flowers need thinning, pruning, transplanting. If you neglect these simple manipulations, the shape of the flower garden will be disrupted.

Flower care. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Flower care. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Weed control

Often gardeners do not take weeds into account because the dense planting of flowers prevents pests from making their way to the sun. Only quinoa or dandelion can spoil the state of the flower bed. If they manage to break through to the surface, the pests must be immediately removed and the soil loosened.


Fertilization of the soil allows you to maintain an attractive appearance of the flower garden. Plants need potassium and phosphorus the most. The deficiency of the first element is most acutely felt at the beginning of the season, and phosphorus is required during the flowering period.


For mulching, sawdust, pre-crushed pine bark and peat are often used. Artificial mulch, which is available in every specialty store, is also a good choice.

Do you know how to save an unsuccessful flower garden?

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