How to unlearn plumbing and is it worth it? "Fun" and profitable job

  • Aug 07, 2021

Having worked as a plumber for a sufficient time, I will tell young and not very young people whether it is worth associating their life with this profession and what nuances are there in this area. How to start working without experience and what education is needed.

I must say right away that having gained experience in this area, having sufficient health, you and your family will never be left without a piece of bread. The question is whether it will be with or without oil. But more on that later.

Guidance for Young People

First of all, you need to get a profession in any working profession. Mechanic, turner, welder, etc. Any applied specialty, during your studies you will have subjects that will broaden your horizons on work processes. The idea of ​​interacting with different materials will appear. In any case, you will have a crust with which they can take to the plant... Looking ahead, I will say that of all professions, if you plan to connect your life with engineering plumbing, the best is welder.

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How to get a job as a plumber without work experience? There are two options

First. ZhEK.

In any housing management of apartment buildings, specialists in the installation and repair of plumbing are required. Naturally, if they need a plumber, then they will require experience with the device. But he is not. How to be? Make an appointment with the director and tell him bluntly: “I want to work as a plumber in your organization, I’m just dreaming, although no, I’d better keep silent about my dream. If the director is adequate and there is a need for employees, then seeing your desire, with a high degree of probability, he will take you.

This will settle down, you will be assigned to an experienced plumber and he will teach the basic skills: How to wind up a thread, how to solder pipes, how to clean a sewer, how to regulate cisterns and much more... After working for two or three years. You will become independent and after your main job, for which you are paid a low salary, you will be able to do the work on your own. But on condition that you are on friendly terms with the head.

I almost forgot, it's important to learn how to talk to people. Don't be cocky.

Second. Sabbats

This option provides for the installation of heating, water supply, sewerage systems in private houses and organizations. But how does one learn this business? There is an option, I'll tell you about it now:

You go to an engineering plumbing store, the bigger the better. Find a senior manager and explain that you want to contact the heating installers, for which they will most likely give business cards with phone numbers. The more business cards the better.

Then you call everyone and ask if they need a helper, usually when installing heating, such assistants are required to perform heavy work. If they say that they are needed, then you agree to any payment. The main thing is to enter the brigade. If you suddenly got a refusal everywhere, then you call in the second round and say that you are ready to work for the first time without payment, in exchange for study...

You are lucky and you are working with a team, show your best side, do not give up difficult tasks. And most importantly, gain experience. In the field of heating, try to constantly study, take courses, absorb information. At first it will be difficult, but interesting. Later, when you can work independently, having borrowed a car and equipment. Your level of income will grow strongly, especially in the fall.

Cons of working as a plumber

  • You need to understand that working as a plumber is contact with people, especially in apartment buildings. Nerves need steel. There are many inadequacies, but you yourself must be friendly.
  • Work in cramped conditions. This is when you have to stand in the pose "ZU" and at the same time do the work. Accordingly, the arms and legs become numb, the joints twist and are heavily loaded. Subsequently, these loads go sideways with age.
  • Dirty work, cleaning sewers, crawling in narrow basements, under sinks and behind toilets is full of dirt.

Important do their job well. Not just make money and disappear, but do it with high quality, beautifully and will please your client. Then every year more and more word of mouth will work for you. AND you will not be looking for a job, but it will be you!