Autumn transplant of lilies is a guarantee of exuberant flowering in the next season

  • Aug 24, 2021

Lilies are one of the most popular perennials that summer residents prefer to grow. The graceful plant adorns the flower beds with bright greenery and fills everything around with a delicate, delicate aroma. In order for the garden culture to develop correctly and bloom profusely every year, it must be dug up in the fall and transplanted to a new place.

Lilies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Lilies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Lilies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Time for transplant

The event for planting lily bulbs is planned taking into account the climatic conditions of the region of residence. You need to have time to spend it 3-4 weeks before the onset of cold weather. In this case, the daytime air temperature should be about 10 ° C.

Immediately after the end of flowering, it is better not to disturb the plants: you need to give them the opportunity to form baby bulbs. This usually takes 1-1.5 months. In addition, if the seating occurs too early, the lilies may start to grow, and this is unacceptable.

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The choice of planting material

The attractiveness of your flower bed in the coming season depends on which bulbs you choose for rooting. The planting material must meet certain standards. For reproduction, clean (no mold, rot) bulbs are selected that do not have mechanical damage, traces of diseases or pests.

Lilies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Lilies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In this case, the ideal size of children should be at least 3-4 cm in diameter. It is better not to plant smaller bulbs directly in the flowerbed, since they will not bloom next summer. They can be placed on a separate bed.

The scales of the bulbs should be dense, whole, and the bottom should be clean, with a developed root system. Sluggish or spoiled material should be discarded immediately: it will not produce quality plants.

Landing site

Most lilies prefer well-lit beds (beds), sheltered from cold winds. The exception is the eastern varieties (martagons), which are comfortable to develop in partial shade.

A fragrant culture needs a loose, fertile and well-drained soil. The root system of a flower must receive a sufficient amount of not only moisture, but also oxygen, otherwise the plant will greatly lag behind in development and bloom poorly.

The lily planting site is prepared in advance, preferably 2-4 weeks before the event. The bed, cleared of weeds and plant waste, is carefully dug up. Lean soil must be diluted with matured compost (humus) at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq. m. In addition, superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g) are added to the soil.

In acidic soil (per 1 sq. m) add a couple of glasses of wood ash or dolomite flour. And in an alkaline one - a bucket of high-moor peat or 30 g of ferrous sulfate. Heavy clay soil is diluted with washed river sand and humus.

Processing the bulbs before planting

This procedure will help the garden culture to take root safely in its new location. In addition, pre-treatment will protect the bulbs from rot, fungal diseases and pest damage.

Very long roots will have to be slightly shortened (up to 3-5 cm) - this will facilitate the planting process. The bulbs prepared in this way are soaked in a solution of any fungicide:

  • Fundazol;
  • Fitosporin-M;
  • "Maxim Dachnik" and others.

The concentration of the solution and the soaking time of the planting material are indicated on the packaging of the preparations.

After disinfecting the bulbs, they are treated with growth stimulants (Zircon, Epin, Energen, etc.). The solution for this procedure is prepared in accordance with the instructions attached to the preparations.

Important! After each treatment, the bulbs are lightly dried for 20-30 minutes.

Lilies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Lilies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Landing in the ground

In the prepared area, holes or trenches are made, taking into account that an interval of at least 30-35 cm must be observed between the plants. Planting depth should be equal to three sizes of the bulb (in diameter). The only exceptions are candidum lilies. It is enough to plant them to a depth of 2-3 cm, depending on the size of the bulbs.

The lily root system should be carefully spread and only then covered with soil. The planting site is slightly compacted, then abundantly moistened. So that moisture from the soil evaporates more slowly, the soil is mulched with an improvised material: humus (compost, peat, etc.). If all procedures were performed correctly, the plant will have time to take root before frost.

Luxurious lilies can be a decoration for any garden. A fragrant perennial will bloom profusely every season if you pay a little attention to it in the fall.

Read also: Marigolds: features and benefits of flowers

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